The Meeting

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Shawn's Point of View

In the four years of being a father, this has never happened to me! I always keep a close eye on Noah everywhere we go knowing how crazy Toronto can be.

Even when we're on the other side of the world for Tour, Noah is never out of my eyesight! Who knew doing some Christmas shopping would be the first (and hopefully last) time my son gets lost!?

I've been running around the entire mall looking for Noah and asking people if they've seen him.

I've been doing that for an hour.

The more people who say they haven't seen him, the more I feel I failed as a father.

Nothing like this has ever happened and I always intended it never did.

From when Noah's mother left literally right after he was born, I made a promise to myself I would never leave.

I would do anything to protect my son and keep him safe.

But look what happened.

He's somewhere, all alone and possibly hurt-

Maybe even worse...

My heart begins to race and my breathing picks up. It's like my lungs can't take any air and everything I'm doing is making it worse.

I reach a corner and lay against the wall, trying to calm myself down.

It's not working.

I don't know what to do but any thought leaves my mind when I hear my phone ringing.

Reaching into my pocket, I pull out my phone and look to see who's calling.

An unknown number.

"The hell?" I mutter.

Answering the call, I can hear my very uneven breathing in my ear.

"H-hello?" I say, trying to not sound like I'm in the middle of a mid-life crisis.

Oh right. I am.

"Hi. Is this Shawn?" I hear a soft voice say.

Just the sound of this complete stranger's voice calms me down a little.

"I-it is." I say. "Can I help y-you?"

"I believe I have your son, Noah." The voice tells me.

When I hear that, I drop my phone.

"Hello? Shawn?" I hear.

I quickly pick up my phone. "Yeah, sorry. It just feels amazing hearing you say that."

The voice giggles adorably and my heart rate picks up.

"I'll let you talk to him." The person says. "Here Sweetheart. It's Daddy."

There is a small pause.

"Hi Daddy!" I hear Noah shout happily into the phone.

"Hey Buddy." I say, breathing as I hear my perfect son's voice. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm great!" Noah says. "Miss Chloe was so so so nice! She helped me and gave me a hug when I was scared and calmed me down and-!"

"Okay Buddy. Slow down." I say, laughing as I hear Noah doing his usual rambling.

He gets it from me.

"You can tell me all about what happened when I get to you okay?" I tell my son. "For now, let me talk to 'Miss Chloe'."

Brought Together by My Smart Son- Shawn Mendes FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now