chapter 1

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"my, my, don't you look absolutely stunning, love," killian grinned through the mirror, watching emma fix her jewelry. she chuckled and turned around.

"well, Mr. honey, you don't look too bad yourself. apart from the inside out tie, and untied-tie," she laughed, placing the softest kiss on his lips.

"swan, when are you going to learn that dressing with one hand is rather hard, unbearable really," as usual, he blushed, it was all he ever did when emma made fun of him. though he didn't mind, emma's touch was like heaven to him. he never minded feeling her hands around him. "i still feel like we should change the one-hand situation, swan. i know you like the hook, but with this little one coming along," he paused for a second, placing his hand on her small bump, "i don't know how safe it would be for me to be one-handed,"

"then what am i supposed to call you? captain no-hook? captain two-hands?" she snickered, "killian, you know i am behind every decision you're going to take, besides it's your body, and well, your hand," they both couldn't help but chuckle, emma took off his tie and placed it on him the right way. "aren't you scared of what will happen if you decide to get your hand back?"

"honestly, yes of course i will be scared, that hand has done more pain than love, more hate than this hook has ever done. yet, i would love to touch you with both hands for once," he smirked at her, to which she hit his chest, but she liked it. she liked the flirting. "no, in all seriousness, of course, i'm mortified to find out what will happen, but, i, emma, am a changed man."

"yes, yes i do like to say you are a changed man," she smiled at him, "it took you a long time to realize that,"

"aye, love, but we all carry a part of our past with us, no matter how much we change, how much we do right or wrong." she nodded, buttoning up his blouse, "therefore it will take you longer to realize you have changed for the better, or worse,"

"since the moment you came back from the underworld you were a changed man," she lightly wrapped her arms around him, "you've just continued to change from that moment forward, and i'm proud of you,"

"why thank you, swan,"

"hm, always, captain hook," she snickered as she pressed a soft kiss against his lips.

today was finally the day of their gender reveal, they've waited a whopping 4 months to actually find out the gender of their child. they actually wanted to be surprised at birth, but jokes on them because mom dearest couldn't wait any longer. and in all honesty, neither could the happy couple.
the most stupid thing they could have done was giving snow the envelope with the gender, she was in charge of the gender reveal party, we all know how the wedding plans have come to an end, this one might as well be a lot worse. but all for a good cause right? right......??

as the happy couple approached the town's diner, they just paused for a moment before going in, "i am honestly terrified to see what my mother has done."

"ha, you and me both, swan... you and me both," killian chuckled nervously, scratching behind his ear, he was nervous. very nervous. to which emma took his hand in hers. of course, she noticed him being nervous, and to be honest. she was too. she gave his hand a big squeeze and with her other hand she reached for the door. she took a deep breath and just swung the door open. "holy shit," was all she could say.

"ditto that," killian added, pulling her in for a squeeze as they made their way in. from that moment on it felt like everything was moving in slow-motion. people started jumping from their hiding spots, utterly surprising the couple. many of them screaming some blurry words, probably some greetings and "well-wishes". some might actually be screaming out what they think the gender of the little baby will be.

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