Chapter 07

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"I like it."

Ushijima's words left you grasping for a reply. "Oh. Uh... Good."

There was a good bout of silence to allow you to beat yourself up over your lame behavior. You racked your brain for anything to change the subject.

"So, I heard your family is kind of a big deal in the farming industry. You could have told me." You said in hopes of distracting him.

"You didn't know?" He asked bluntly.

"Well no. I would have known if you were from the Yoshida family. You know, from Northern Farm? The huge racing barn in Hokkaido? They literally have more than a thousand horses..." It was no surprise to you when he gave you a blank stare, he had no idea what you were talking about.

"Let's just say that I'm more interested in horse's pedigrees than people's and leave it at that, okay?" You said and let out an awkward chuckle.

"Let's." He said good-naturedly as he walked with you from stall to stall.

"So, why are you part of the volleyball club? We have a perfectly good agriculture club." You prodded.

"Because I like playing. Volleyball is my hobby, agriculture is my job. Besides, I learn all I need at home anyway." He explained and you thought it must have been the longest you had heard him speak outside of class.

"Makes sense..." You mused as you filled the last of the hay nets. "I'm going to be stabling the horses now, I don't think you'd want to hang around for that?"

As you expected he shook his head. "I need to go back and change as well."

"Thank you for your help." You said before he could disappear without a trace again, as he had done before. "And thanks for listening to my rant as well."

"Don't mention it." He said as the both of you exited the barn. 

"I'll see you in class tomorrow!" You called out to him as he went to the left, while you were headed to the right.

He raised a hand in greeting as he picked up his pace and was on his way towards the gym.

You made your way towards the student-owned horse paddocks and started your almost daily grind of bringing in the horses. Not that you minded, of course, but somehow today you felt like it would have been nice to have one of the junior members of the club do it so that you could have hung around and chatted with Ushijima some more...

As you moved on to the school horses, you couldn't help but feel sad at the fact that Kou stood waiting at the gate for you.

Usually, it was only Shoji and Totaro while the others kept their distance or kept grazing until the last possible moment. But recently Kou had been standing there as well, waiting for you to come and get her.

You sighed as you put the halter and lead rope on her and made your way to the barn. "I hope your next owner will treat you well..."

After putting her in her stall, you kicked yourself mentally for ruining the mood that you had just been able to lift by talking with Ushijima. 

As you went to get the other horses you tried to focus again on the conversation and it didn't take you long to remember his shoulder brushing yours as he showed you how to open the bags. The way you could almost feel his voice rumbling as he spoke to you in such close proximity and of course, his smile. He always looked so serious and stern, yet he had the kindest smile that made your cheeks heat up just remembering it.

Before you knew it, all the horses were in their stalls, and you were headed back to your dorm to shower and work on an assignment that was due in the morning.

Carry Me (Ushijima x Reader AU)Where stories live. Discover now