Arc 1: 「Starting in a New World」 『Chapter One 〜 Revival』

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When I woke up, I found Touya shaking me.

"Took you awhile to wake up, Kotarou".

" *Yawn* Yeah yeah, scold me later. For now we need to find the nearest town"

He pulled out his phone and showed me the screen.

"Here, this one is the closet to us. Approximately a 1 hour walk from here. I was called by God and he told me that he had to send us here, as if anybody saw us, it would create unnecessary commotion and trouble for us. So that's why we are in a secluded area".

"Got it, we'll let's get going then".

We started to walk, with one of us holding our phone to make sure we didn't differ from the path before we heard some crackle of wooden wheels behind us.

I swiftly turned around and put my phone in my pocket as I saw a carriage with a logo on the side.

"Hmm? Touya! These guys must be rich or nobles, as they have a personalized carriage"

"You're right, let's stay away from them to avoid trouble"


Just as I said that, the carriage passed us, making me and Touya sigh in relief. But before either of us could could say anything, t(e carriage stopped and we heard a voice shouted out from it.

"You two! What fascinating clothing!"

And that's how I found myself and Touya being literally sexually harassed by an overly-ecstatic clothing merchant.


The man led us into a shop (of which we couldn't read the sign) and signaled to two.... maids?

"Ladies, please find these two young men some new clothing. Will you sell me those shirts?"

Me and Touya looked at each other and somehow I could hear him.

「The money would be good」

『Wait, you can talk to me telepathically?』

「Oh yeah, God mentioned that in the call. We can now communicate telepathically as our souls and mind are bonded」

『I see, well let's accept his offer』

I turned my attention to the man and spoke.

"Yeah sure, the money would benefit us. How much would our shirts go for?"

He thought for a second.

"About.... 3 gold coins. Oh, and you may want to know, my name is Zanakku, the owner of this shop".

"Right, got it Zanakku".

He led us to the changing room as we got changed into the shirt he gave us. Just as I was getting changed, he asked for mine and Touya's pants too, so we agreed again.

But just as we were taking those off, he peeked under again.

"And those too, please?"

I looked at him, my eyebrow twitching out of annoyance.

"Fine.... but get the hell out!"

And so we sold literally everything, from shirt, to shoes, to socks and tie. We were paid though, 10 Gold Coins he gave us.

"Oh and Zanakku, is there an inn anywhere around here? We really need to find and secure a place to stay for awhile".

"Yes, there is one called the Silver-Moon Inn, you'll know it when you see it honestly".

「In Another World With My Smartphone」 『New Version』Where stories live. Discover now