live your life.

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I started to get better with the help of my boyfriend and family but 3 years after I was raped, the nightmares came back, I started flinching if my boyfriend touched me, I got scared to be Home alone and started pushing people away. My boyfriend understood what was wrong, he was always gentle to try not to scare me. He helped me build up the courage to ask for help. Without him coming into my life after everything, I would probably be dead. After the police did nothing I became addicted to smoking and selfharming. I tried to kill myself because I couldn't cope. I kept thinking that if I told the police right away, I would have evidence and I could of stopped one of the boys from raping two younger girls.

So here is my advice if you ever get raped, please don't be scared, tell something right away, either your parents, a teacher, a friend or the police. Just get evidence right away and get the right help. I wish I did.

Please, believe me! (my rape story)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu