Chapter 6

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The grandfather clock struck 4pm, the twins nervously glancing to each other from the spot on the floor. Janus held his breath, silently hoping to be one of the twins soulmates. He was 22 and his was Remy who was the first side to ever fade when they were 11 leaving him all alone. 

Patton and logan curl up closer, clearly nervous as everyone waits in silence. Would today be the day they finally get their soulmate? Two years late was better than never right?

The anxiety and tension was building up as everyone waited for what seemed hours but was only mere minutes. 

Everyone watched as Romans eyes widen a bright smile on his lips like a kid at a candy store and Remus's close with a subtle smile gracing his lips like he was taking in the moment. Once their eyes open, they look around searching for something-no someone but their smile drops when they see he isnt there. 

Janus carefully speaks up, "Who is it?" He was the first to break the silence. 

Remus and Roman look at each other as they speak, "Virgil." 

The duo didnt hesitate to jump up and rush to the anxious traits room eager to see him and tell him the good news. Neither realizing that just two years ago they ruined the happy boy and made him so broken and neither realizing what they were about to walk in on.

Meanwhile, Virgil lay unconscious on his floor still, laying on his stomach, sprawled out. His skin was almost fully translucent, he was almost fully faded. A soft smile on his lips as he dreamt of the trio running and happy like they were years ago, the smell of patton baking cookies and Logan and Janus having a debate in the living room as the trio ran around playing tag. He missed those days, the days before he became the bad guy.

The twins get to Virgils door and bang repeatedly on it calling the small boys name, receiving no response, Roman impulsively kicks the door open and barges in with a bright smile "Oh Virgil~" He says in a sing song voice not noticing the boy yet. Remus walking in behind him carefully, he unlike Roman remembered how bad they hurt the boy and knew they weren't welcome in here. 

Roman freezes where he stood, eyes wide and skin going a sickly pale. Remus looks to him confused before seeing what Roman saw, his heart breaking.

There, in the middle of the floor was their soulmate, unconscious, extremely underweight and very translucent. 

Roman lets out a scream and sinks to the floor sobbing as he tries to shake the small boy awake, Remus standing there still clearly in shock barely registering the approaching footsteps of the others.

Patton rushes into the room collapsing in tears by the emo's side, Logan rushes off but not before Remus seen a tear falling down his cheek and Janus just stood there as if he was reliving something. No one but janus patton and logan remember Remy and what happened and Janus was reliving the final moments of holding his best friend and soulmate in his arms as he faded away. 

Were they too late?

Could they save him or would he be like Remy?

We're not always the bad guy... //sander sides soulmate auDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora