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Maria was never the romantic type, she prefers her J-dramas and J-movies action filled and with mystery, but she often wonders how it would feel to be swept away by a Japanese guy just like in those movies. Yes Japanese, she is very much inclined with Japan. You can say she loves Japan, almost every aspect of it. She's always dreamed of visiting Japan and she has made a promise to herself that she will, before she dies.

Maria Antoinette Rialonzo, Maria for short, is a 28-year-old girl and watching Japanese dramas and movies is her only escape from reality. She works as an IT associate in a big company. She works with "the boys" and their "toys". That's how her friends describe her work. She's the only female in that department as most of them are guys or gays. She has always been fascinated by computers and she made sure she can be a part of that world and be one of the best. And she is.

Things have always been going according to her plan except her need to visit Japan. Her visa is always getting denied, for some reason unknown to her as she believes she is qualified enough. She still tries, twice every year, in the last 3 years.

This year was no different. She just got her passport back and still no visa stamp.

"Ugh!" she wanted to cry. "I'd have to wait another 6 months before I can apply again!" She was complaining to her friend, Lou, while drinking her favorite flavored wine, Horoyoi.

"Why don't you just give up?" Lou asked.

"Give up? Are you joking me? This is the only thing I ever wanted so bad that I still haven't gotten!" Maria is now with tears.

"Hush now!" Lou said, she moved next to her and started patting her head.

"Heh! Stop patting my head, I'm not a dog." She shoved her hand away.

Her friend just started laughing while she's still in tears.

"Maybe Japan is not meant for you? Have you ever thought of that? Maybe what you're looking for is here in BGC. Somewhere in the Philippines, maybe?" Lou said as soon as she stopped laughing. Maria looked at her, still with tears. "But I want to visit Japan, it's not like I'm looking for anything. I have everything I want!" she retorted.

They're currently in a park in BGC near their workplace. BGC is a place with lots of Foreigners. She has met different nationalities by going to bars but she never met a Japanese, not even once. She often visits Japanese restaurants yet she just sees and meets Koreans. She has always wondered why, but she never got an answer to that, until now.

She and Lou decided to eat at their usual Japanese restaurant near Burgos Circle. It rained that night; the ground is still a little slippery. A little tipsy with the number of Horoyoi cans she consumed, she missed one of the steps and slipped when she tried to keep her balance. Stupid wet floor. She thought.

Just like in those movies, the world slowed down for her, when she heard a voice coming from the person who stopped her from falling. "Daijoubou desu ka?" he asked. His voice a little husky yet full. A music to her ears. Maria's heart skipped a few beats.

Nihongo. She thought. She slowly stood straight and faced the man who helped her. She just looked at him, in awe. If she would describe his face, he looks like Sugino Yusuke, one of her Japanese Actor crushes. But his skin is more of Ryoma Takeruchi, tanned.

After what seemed like an eternity, she was able to gather her thoughts and responded "Hai, daijoubou desu. Arigatou." She responded in Nihongo. She doesn't even know if she said them right. She only had a few lessons and she's not even near the conversational level.

The man's face lit up, probably thinking she can understand Nihongo enough. He started talking fast, like how a Japanese normally does. She can only catch a few words. She was able to get his name though. Reiji Kimura.

"Gomenasai Kimura-san." she apologized, "Watashi no nihongo wa amari jouzu de wa arimasen," she told him her Japanese is not very good. "Eigo wa wakarimasu ka?" she then asked if he can understand English.

"Oh, yes I'm sorry. I got carried away. I thought you understand Nihongo." Reiji said slowly. "I got separated from my friends and I am not sure how to get to our hotel, can you help me out?"

"But you can probably find your hotel if you use google maps on your phone." Lou interrupted.

"Ahm, ano, I left my phone at the hotel." He said scratching his head and then he smiled.

Maria wanted to melt with his smile. "That's..." she paused for a bit "...alright. Where are you staying?" she asked. He gave the hotel's name and Maria decided to walk him to where it is.

Lou said goodbye to Reiji and said that she has things she needed to do but before she left, she whispered to Maria, "Now, what you're looking for just appeared. This is your chance to shine. Ganbatte ne!" She then giggled and walked away.

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"Reiji-san..." Maria called his attention. "Would it be ok if I call you that or should I stick with Kimura-san because I know your culture and all. I'm not very used to calling people by their last names so I am not sure if you'd be fine with me..." she stopped when she heard Reiji laughed.

"Oh, sorry. Kawaii desu yo." He took a deep breath to stop himself from laughing. "Reiji is fine, but you can call me anything you like. How about you? I don't even know your name."

"Oh... My name? Right..." she stopped walking and faced him. "Watashi wa Maria Antoinette Rialonzo desu. Adana wa Maria desu." She bowed afterwards. She did what she learned at school on how to introduce yourself.

Reiji started laughing again. "You're really cute! I suppose you took Nihongo classes Maria?"

"I did, a few lessons, but I never got to the level I wanted. Real life is hectic." She said and started walking again.

"Do you have Line?" Reiji suddenly asked. "What?" was Maria's surprised response. Reiji smiled, pointed to the phone in her hand. "Oh, yeah I do. Why?"

"I'd like to exchange Line contact with you." He asked "Is that not ok?"

"Ah, no!! I mean, yes, it's ok. I just got surprised. I only used my Line to follow the Japanese celebrities I like that has Line accounts." She blurted.

"Oh, so you like Japanese entertainment huh? Who's your favorite actor?" He then asked.

"Oh, don't get me started on that, I have a lot and it's going to bore you if I tell you who they are."

"Come on, I'm interested to know your type of men." He teased.

"Well for starters I love Takuya Kimura." Maria admitted. "I also like lots of younger actors like Haruma Miura, Ryoma Takeuchi, Yosuke Sugino, Suda Masaki, Yamaken... Do you want me to still continue?" she asked.

"You do have a lot." Reiji said, smiling a little.

"Yeah and you know you look like a mix of..." she trailed of, having second thoughts about telling him who she thought he looked like. "Oh here we are." She stopped walking in front of the hotel he is staying.

"So, I look like a mix of who? Dare?" he asked, still smiling.

"Uhm, maybe next time." She took a few steps back. "Mata ne!" she bowed her head quickly, turned around and started running. 

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