~The new beginning~

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As the sky darkens and stars begin to fill the sky y/n hears a knocking and arises from her cushioned seat. y/n looks to their side to see that the Hogwarts Express has stopped.

"We've arrived, you should get up! Unless you would like to be late?" Hermione said with her hands crossed.

You see two boys back up and look through the doorway with a confused look on their face. Ron glances and understands what Hermione just said, he continues to stuff his mouth with Bertie Botts Every Flavored Beans. y/n gets up and reaches for her bag as the three walk away, she continues through the doorway and runs into a tall, blonde headed boy.

"Watch out you filthy mudblood!" he says disguised.

"Well maybe you shouldn't get in my way next time!" y/n says with power in her voice.

They stormed past the boy and stood behind the big group of kids in front of a tall bearded man.

"W-well hello there I'm Hagrid, I am your fellow groundskeeper here at ye old Hogwarts! Well we should be heading down to the boats..."

The large mass of first years head down an old staircase path to a dock with over a dozen wooden boats and paddles. y/n sits in a boat and the blonde headed boy along with the redhead on the train joins. Everyone picks up a paddle and starts rowing to see a large glimmering brown and gray castle. The boats reach the other side of the lake and they walk up another flight of stairs and reach the great hall doors.

"Welcome to Hogwarts the school of Witchcraft and Wizardry! I am Professor McGonagall, before all of you sit down you will all be sorted into a house. This house will be chosen by your personality and family legacy!"

The Professor walks away and the blonde headed boy looks at the crowd to find you, he smiles and turns around to a red headed boy that you saw earlier. y/n couldn't really hear what they said but the boy looked mad, same with the other two first years you saw earlier. The same lady walked back out greeting us in the long magical room full of students.

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