Chapter 2- Moving Day

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~Hanako-Kun's POV~

TBHK Season 1 is finished so my mother thinks it's time to enroll me into school, Swan Christian College seemed most appealing.

First Day

I step foot into the school everyday and I regret it everday, of course I am the only anime character here so I don't care when people stare. I get a few weird looks from a group of girls and then I see her. She golden hair the shimmers in the sunlight, with hazel eyes so warm and dramatic, she's the perfect girl. As she walks past I lock eyes with her, she makes me nervous but excited, this is going to be a great year.

Class starts and I see that girl is in my class, she sits only two desks away from me, I stare at her when the teacher yells at me,

"Hanako! Stop staring at Annabel and do your work!"

So that's her name, Annabel. I sigh as I draw on my Maths book, I draw what I see, but all I see is her! I have to do my work so I focus on that. When recess rolls around I go up to Annabel and start talking to her, she seems nervous, almost scared to talk to me, it makes me feel a little bad but I brush it off. She tells me about her weird neighbour that bakes bread in her kitchen and I feel concerned. We talk until the end of recess thats when I see Luca and Leona make love hearts over me and Annabel, I blush and quickly walk away, was it really that obvious that I like her? The thought ponders in my mind until the end of the day when Annabel approaches me.

She's blushing as she says,

"Hanako, I have accepted your offer to co-star you in the next season of TBHK".

I can't believe that I just won the jackpot. Annabel as my co-star, it's a dream come true.

When I walk home I see Annabel put something in my mailbox and run off, I'm confused and when I look inside my mailbox I see a small package, inside is a small ship's wheel, a note next to it says, ' Put this on your hat that you love so much '. I race inside and out it on my hat, the perfect addition.

When I fall asleep all I dream about is Annabel.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2020 ⏰

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