Peg Hawks 2020

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It had started off as a joke between the two of you.

You and Hawks were always trying to find ways to spice up your bedroom activities and, while scouting the internet, you had both come across an article on pegging. You both found the idea laughable with Hawks claiming that he would rather be caught dead than with a fake dick up his ass.

It was never brought up again, and you looked for other things to entertain yourselves with. The thought never crossed your mind after that day and you went on like nothing ever happened.

That was a month ago.

After a drunk night spent talking about how easy it would be to fuck Hawks senseless, he had made it his duty to prove you wrong claiming that "fucking someone stupid ain't that easy babe".

While you had thought that Hawks would forget about the challenge, he had set out the very next day to get things ready. He had even spent the last week going over a specific diet (one that he read about online) in order to make the process less grueling for the both of you. He had been thoroughly excited for the night to come, looking forward to yell out "I told you so!" When you inevitably failed.

Tough shit for him cause you weren't giving up that easy.

Now, you find yourself in your shared bedroom with Hawks spread out on the bed and you on top of him, make out session underway.

You are seated on his lap, tongue exploring every crevice in his mouth while you ran your fingers through his blonde locks, tugging lightly at the end. Hawks groaned a bit, hands gripping your hips tightly as he slowly pushed up against you. You indulged him in a bit of dry humping, hoping to calm your nerves down more through your arousal.

Slowly, you meet his thrusts with your own, rubbing against him as much as you could with both of your underwear in the way. You moaned lightly, breaking away from the kiss and moving your lips to his neck. You nipped at the flesh there and were treated with the sound of Hawks small gasps, hips stuttering slightly.

Rolling your hips against his, you propped yourself up and looked down at him. His face gave way to his slight frustration, the pout he wore funny enough to make you giggle a bit. As he opened his mouth to speak, you ground your hips once more making him moan at the friction and you watched as his wings twitched in delight.

His hands moved from their place on your hips to run up your arms before slowly entwining your fingers together. You melted at the soft action, gaze never leaving him.

The moment was ultimately ruined the minute that Hawks opened his mouth to say, "Babe, if you're too scared to do anything just say so."

He wore a cocky grin and squeezed your hands as if to send you some form of solace for not being up to the task at hand. You decided then and there that you'd put an end to it.

Without replying and still holding onto Hawks hands, you slowly slid down his toned frame, licking down his chest as you went by. You stopped at each pec, taking a delicate nipple into your mouth and teasing it with your tongue. You looked up at Hawks from your current position, tongue tracing around the pert nub as you felt his chest heave and hands twitch slightly at your actions.

You nipped at his nipple as you continued your voyage downwards, tongue continuing to leave behind a wet trail on his body. You let his hands go, opting to use them to trace over the places you couldn't reach. The way that he squirmed under you made you smirk, his attempts to hide his arousal endearing.

You finally reached your mark, face hovering over his bulge. You could see a small wet spot, an indication of pre leaking through his boxers, the sight alone making you clench your thighs. You looked up at Hawks through your lashes and cheekily asked, "Is this because of me?"

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