look who it is

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"Good morning everybody! Its a beautiful day and I have no filming to do!" Y/n smiled in her bedroom excitedly "However I am as you can tell... because you can see me. I am vlogging but only vlogging because I find if I don't I just start taking to myself like I am so I may as well film it" she explained leaving her bedroom and going to the corridor "I have no clue what I'm doing today all I know is I should probably make a breakfast"

"Morning" Thomas smiled as y/n headed into another room where Thomas laid in a bed tucked up with the duvet as he sat against the headboard 

"Look who it is!"

"Hello" he waves 

"People get really like... mad when I show you in this bed because they think it's my bed."


"Because I have the same bedsheets. okay here's the story. basically, I have two bedrooms and one is mine the other is a guest room but I have the same bed and same linens because... well ikea. and people get mad and confused because they think that you're in my bed"

"I am not this is the guest bed. this is where I Nap at your house"

"You do, even though you live like ten feet away"

"I think it is actually because my bedroom and guest room is the other way around because my bathrooms in the other way to yours. so literally my own bed is like.... there" he laughs poking the wall 

"and yet still you sleep here"

"I do,"

"Okay I can make a baby video out of this" she explained sitting on the bed not far from Thomas "the fan facts are that, Thomas lives next door we are literal next-door neighbours and it wasn't intentional or anything I rang Thomas up when I got the house and you where away somewhere I don't know where you were. and you were planning on moving I think you'd settled where you were going. but none of us knew yet"

"Yeah I hadn't told anyone the address, because it was still getting sorted and it lies wasn't finalised so I didn't want to tell everyone like I was moving and give the new address if in two weeks it wasn't going happen" 

"yeah, and then it just so happened when had we both got sorted that we actually bought houses not only n the same area of London, not only on the same street but in fact next door to each other, and obviously its London, we didn't learn from the great fire because all our houses are still connected so not only are we best friends, next-door neighbours but we also share one complete wall of our houses." she explained "This wall all the way around the house is shared but his house"

"I genuinely thought about putting a door in at one point"

"You did I remember. you like sketched it on the wall and everything and then we decided against it because it meant moving a lot of both our houses around wit make it work, so we just ended up cutting a door in our fence out in the garden"

"Its how I magically appear"

"You do, as if by magic. but its actually that you go into your garden, though the gate and into my kitchen"

"And then I come nap in your house"

"Or steal my milk!" she yelled "I'm still salty about that. I was filming a video and I heard this creak from downstairs and I go down and see Thomas in my kitchen swapping his empty boddle of milk from his fridge with my full bottle of milk. Bitch was trying to steal my milk"

"I wanted coffee, and I couldn't be bothered to go out."

"I don't mind you coming when you're out of milk I allow that. ts the fact you where swapping my bottle with yours in an attempt to get away with it"  

"I'm sorry"

"I know you're sorry, well sorry you got caught" she laughs "How did you sleep?" she asks resting on his shoulder

"fine, I always sleep fine in here"

"Did they bother you?"

"No they were okay"

"Ohh shit yeah,  have rabbits. Indoor rabbits and this is actually there room most of the time they have a cage and pay area in here for at night the rest of the time I just left them free roam because there very well trained and they only use the toilet in the little tray in the bathroom"

"There not to dissimilar to cats. just very active cats in that sense"

"yeah sort of behaviour wise like a cat and a dog crossed as far as behaviour goes. so you have to share with them when your here"

"I don't mind, your rabbits love me"

"They do, both my bunnies for some reason really like you and I don't know why?"

"I don't they just do"

"I think hopscotch likes you because you're a boy. and you were really the first boy she ever met so I think she kinda has that connection with you, but if that's the reason then jellybean should hate you"

"Ahh yes because of the manly ness"

"Because of you raging testosterone Thomas"

"Yes raging" he smirked

"It's not a raging rapid... it's like a tepid steam at best"


"You take six months to grow a moustache Thomas its tepid testosterone" 

"I wanna argue but I don't have anything to argue that with"

"ummm, hopscotch doesn't like me as much as she likes you which baffled me, I think it because I'm a girl. so she kinda sees me as a rival in that way especially when she's in season. she hates me when she in season, but again she loves you" 

"I think they're just more like humans when you think they are. that's why hopscotch doesn't like you because it's like a mother and teenage daughter, whereas they both like me because as far as they're concerned I'm like the only guy around"

"That's true. I am their mummy, and It does make sense they would assume your their daddy. which in all honesty you kinda are. you do look after them for me"

"I do, I love them" he smiled "Hopscotch come here darling" he called 

"No hopscotch come here sweetie" she called

as a little black bunny jumped on the bed laying on Thomas and he sat petting her soft fluff 

"God dam traitor, at least jellybean loves me" she smiled as the other grey bunny hopped on the bed too 

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