how i got to zootopia

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"I'm 14 years old and I wake up in a ally in a big city im not sure how I got here"
*I stand up and I try to be silent*
*i whisper* " that a animal walk on two legs and on a phone and wearing clothes?"
*I back up a little bit and I see a fire escaped and I climb up it quickly to not be seen*
*I sit on a roof top and looks over the city*
"Where am i?" *I hear a copter flying over and I hide behind a billboard to not be seen*
"How will they react I think I'm the only human here." *I climb down the back side of the building and goes into a forest*
Judy's pov:

*I'm watching the cameras in the forest sector seeing nothing but russling leaves them something runs across the screen* "What was that?"*rewinds the tape and pauses* "A furless Monkey? Its certainly ape like"*grabs my stuff and gets in a car and ...

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*I'm watching the cameras in the forest sector seeing nothing but russling leaves them something runs across the screen*
"What was that?"
*rewinds the tape and pauses*
"A furless Monkey? Its certainly ape like"
*grabs my stuff and gets in a car and goes to the forest sector*
*I'm still running not sure where to go I see im cornered*
"Dang it where do I go now?"
*I hear a car pull up behind me and I see a bunny get out and im not sure what to do*
Judy's POV:
*I pull up to the creature and he looks scared and looking for a escape so try communication*
*talks slowly* "I..don't..know.. If"
*I look at her* " can"
Judy:"yes and you can understand me that's good "
Me: "wh....where am I?"
Judy: "I'll tell you everything you need to know in the car and I need to ask you some questions as well "
Judy's POV:
*we get in the car and we drive to ZPD and I can tell he is scared*
Judy: "so where are you from?"
Me:"um white river bay in Minnesota"
Judy: "I never heard of that place anyway what species are you?"
Me:"I'm a human"
Judy: "are you Pretor or prey"
Me:"I'm not really s...sure my kind is..more on the top of the food chain"
Judy: "oh and how old are yours?"
Me: "I'm 14"
Judy:"how old can your kind get?"
Me:"um about 80 to 100 years old"

how i ended up in zootopia and my journeyWhere stories live. Discover now