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(8-ish months later, sorry if this dosen't make since but it did in my head..?)


/əˈvoidəns/noun1.the action of keeping away from or not doing something.

Was that what I was doing? avoiding him. I sat in my filming room folded on the floor, my mind was a cluttered mess. I decided to check my Twitter..

Corpseyfan.01: Hey, what happened to the spicy friends?

                  Y/nspersonalsimp: IDK...I think they got into an argument

                 Corpseyfan.01: No, I think they'd tell us that much.

                 Y/nspersonalsimo: Only time can tell.

We didn't get in an argument...I was avoiding him. I looked at my Discord and my phone Corpse, Loey, and Evan had all been texting me. I turned off my read receipts and took a peep at my text messages.


Goodmorning Bunnyyy <3!!!

9:38 am


10:18 am 

I'm assuming you're asleep, wake up soon I have great news!

10:18 am


2:46 pm

Corpse just texted me..what's wrong?

4:08 pm

I don't wanna talk about it..

6:51 pm

I moved on to Corpse's text, more anxiety. What if he hates me now..without thinking I walked out of the door walking to his apartment. I walked up to his door and waited before knocking. "One Minute!" I heard him stumble to the door, "Y/n?" I watched his eyes, they flamed but calmed, he was angry but dismayed. He was harder to read. I didn't want to cry but it was hard, he looked so hurt. I took a shaky breath, "Are you...mad at me?" his eyes widened and he quickly pulled me in for a hug, "I'm not mad, I figured you had better things to do then to babysit me all day" he let out a forced chuckle. I backed up, "your lying. I saw the way you looked at me.." I cupped his face, "Corpse. Are you mad at me?" He breathed in, "I mean yeah, were all over eachother then you ghoast me? I mean damn I get it if you didn't wanna be frinds with me but tell me, or fucking text me it." I watched his eyes swell, I shut the door...I kissed him. I stumbled back, I just...kissed him. I grabbed the door knob, hesitantly I twisted it ready to book it and go back to my bed. I went to turn but he stopped me, ¨Did you mean it?" I looked over my shoulder ,with a flustered nod. he looked back at me hopeful. I turned around and looked at my feet, I had thrown on a pair of Vans he got me for my birthday. 


"Woah! Look at these!" you heald the pair of shoes up in the air showing them to Corpse, who was on the other side of the store, tired and worn out sitting. He got up and walked over fluffing your hair. you looked for your size, then at the price tag, you frowned, "I don't have seventy dollars anymore.." jumping as he grabbed the box and walked up to the front. 

"For the lucky lady?" he smiled, "Yeah she's something like that."


"Yeah, I meant it...and I still do." I felt his hands wrap around me, I was in the tightest hug I'd ever felt him give me. I giggled wrapping my arms back around him, once he put me back down he staired at me. I leaned in teasingly, our noses touched. God if this wasn't you basic teen love story with a hint of gen z daily life I didn't know what was. I kissed him, slowly he kissed back. 

We were kissing.

An:   ya'll-


Im not good at writing and sorry if the time skip didn't make since but this might be the end?? I'm not sure...I usually free write these with no plan so who knows. Have a good day! Drink you wudder, and eat some carrots!!:) Sleep well bunnies~

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