The discovery

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aiga POV
I was walking over to the beigoma beyclub to train and see my boyfriend fubuki.Who I had dated for a few months wonder why we never kissed

but when I stopped I heard some noises for some reason I thought it would be good to investigate because I thought it was a animal.

What I found was so much worse than a animal.It was fubiki which in retrospect would have been great.If I didn't see him making out with SUOH!

I felt my heart shatter into a million shards.So that was why he never kissed me and he always turned me down.But I realized the truth would have been worse for nika.
Reason nika had been rejected many times in her life.she developed a crush on shu.But it was revealed he was dating someone else.Then she found suoh and now he is cheating on her.I took a picture and video and left.if they think the can get away with this the are wrong.

After that incident I went to nika straight away she was in the training room,so happy it was going to sadly come down.I ask if she could come see me.

Nika POV
I was training in the room when all of a sudden aiga tells me to come with him.i don't know why but I just followed.he then showed me a picture.Then I was in for the shock of my life it was of fubiki and suoh kissing.I then tried to say that would never happen.I blamed aiga for it but then I realized fubiki was aiga's boyfriend and that basically broke me.Suoh had helped me over come my sad rejects but maybe that is why we never kissed.Aiga then comforted me and I kept crying .But for some reason I felt a strange warmth in my heart no one else gave me

Ryan POV
Hi guys so I have been a little bored so I thought I make this story.I actually thought it for my first ever story but scrapped it because I didn't put much it is here

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