Chapter 1

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Analogical Perspective First

Logans POV

Once again I am stuck between the two lovebirds. Both Roman and Patton were on one side talking as loudly as ever. While Janus was on his massive bean bag behind everybody. Taking notes is kind of my thing so I'm not exactly suprised when I feel Roman tap me for the notes I take during this class.

Its about 10:30am currently and we are in our English class. So as per usual. Roman and Patton talk nonstop and simply try to ignore the class and not each other. I get it not everybody likes their classes but it is a bit annoying when everybody and their er. Mother? Tries to talk to me and get all of the notes from me. So its just kind of bothersome.

"Logan Berry to the front office. I repeat. Logan Berry to the front office please."

'Great. New student yet again. Wonder how long they are going to stay here before they decide they don't like an extremely gay school with regular fights isn't for them.'

Without realizing it Im already standing up and heading through our maze of hallways and bland school posters that say. 'Dont do drugs! Read a book instead!' Or the slightly more interesting bulletin board of school activities. As well as a couple papers with my face on it because I must advertise that any and all school problems come to me as I'm the student council president. Not my point however.

The front office is in my sights. It shouldn't be much longer until I am face to face with Mister Sanders the schools Principal. As well as the secretary holding the new students shoulder comforting like? I'm not too sure what that shoulder hold even means but all I know is the students feel awkward about it.

I probably shouldn't be leaving the new kid waiting after all. If it even is a new student but I highly doubt that the staff would bother me for something they can handle. So it must be a student.

I finally open the door showing the fairly anxious looking male in the room. I wouldn't say he is comfortable and he doesn't look like a prick do I investigate his stuff further not catching their attention quite yet. They are wearing a thick black hoodie. Their bag has lots of pins on it and they seem to look masculine. Based off the trans flag I see on their bag I assume they are a trans man. Since they arent making their chest known and aren't wearing very large amounts of chemical products called make up on their face.

I finally let my presence be known.

I had cleared my throat and smiles at them calmly since I didn't want to scare the new person already. I have the twins for that anyways. I nod at the slightly shorter male before looking at the two adults in the room. I can see the other male looking me up and down once and possibly even twice before they finally speak.

Virgils POV
I already dont want to be here. Somebody had yanked my tail merely me being in the school for ten minutes. Luckily the office escorted me to their office rather quickly. I did not want to go and start a fight already. Granted I already might be a target for bullying.. I gently play with the necklace chain I have around my neck. I dont let anybody touch it but then again I've never really had to hide it until now. Moving from my old town to this one has been quite stressful. My family didn't support me and my partners relationship. But to be completely honest they never cared too much about what I do. As long as I stay alive they couldn't care less.

I snap back into reality when I saw the other males hand stick out to me as if wanting a handshake. I hesitate before I shake his hand and introduce myself. "M-My name is Virgil." I meekly squeak out towards the other male. "Here's my schedule.." I pass him my schedule and the other nods before gently leading me away from the adults. Once the room closes he leads be around the school. Showing me the arts hallway the music hallway the English and Science hallway. Then the upstairs area of Maths, Languages, and History. The next building over had more extra stuff such as Physical Education, Medical classes, Business classes. You know all those things. NORMALLY I wouldn't care but this guy reminds me of somebody very familiar. But I tune those thoughts out for now

The other shows me exactly where my classes are before showing me to our current class together which is English with a 'Frapps?' Like a coffee Frappuccino?? I dont ask for now when we head towards the classroom. The other male says he is Logan and that his friends are all very unique and will gladly invite me to their friend group. 'Not knowing anybody else and being new I should take him up on his offer... I just hope they are better than the last group of friends I had. We dont... we don't talk about them. '

We make it to a door that seems to be littered with a bunch of different coffee brands drawn painted and just created via art means on the door. The heavy smell of fresh brewed coffee hit me like a brick when Logan had opened the door. The teachers stops talking and turns to us as does some other students but the rest seem to be off in their own world. I hold by bag strap tighter and hesitantly enter the room now. Please oh please let this first meeting go well..

Aight thats the first chapter done. Its almost 1k words for the first one. Lmk for any spelling errors any grammar errors yknow all that stuff and also feedback is nice as long as you aren't constantly bashing my work. Aight thanks for reading and if its been more than a week between chapters dont be afraid to hmu and check up on me lol :)

Sander Sides HS AuWhere stories live. Discover now