my happy ever after?

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Steven pov

I lay here in my bed unable to sleep it's been since I lift beach city and I've not seen any of the gems since then.

"I mite as will get up and do something..." I say geting dressed.

I open the door and head outside, get in the car and head out.

As I'm driving all I can thank about is my past...

Spinel trying to kill me.

Me shattering jasper.

Almost shattering white diamond.

And lastly my own corruption...

I feel tears begen to fall from my eyes, I may have been healed but the pain and anger remain, I've not talked to connie or the gems in mouths, Connie text me but I've not been responding I've just not felt like talking to any of them.

I then look to see a flashing red light on the gas matter.

"Oh great..." I say sarcastically but luckily I look to see a gas station just up ahead.

When I arrive at the gas station I head inside but strangely enough there is no one here.

"Uh hello?" I ask confused.

"Please someone help me!" I hear what sounds like a woman screaming

With that I summon my shield and run to the back and what I see shocks me to the core.

I was expecting a monster or corrupted gem but no it was three guys beating a woman.

"Stop!" I yell angry at them

"Huh? What are you gonna do about it kid?" One ask I then feel my anger grow.

"I said stop!" I yell summoning two shields.

"Shoot him!" One shouts as they turn there guns on me, as I deflect there fire.

I quckly knock them out with my shields and head over to the girl to untie her.

"Miss are you okay?" I ask worried.

"Yes... Th...thank you for saving me." She says

"No problem." I say smiling as I hand her my money to pay for the gas.

"No, no it's on the house." She says

"Really thanks." I smile as she calls the cops on the three crooks.

When I get outside I'm about to head off when I hear a strange sound.

"What the heck is that?" I ask as I walk behind the bulding I look to see the forest and then I look to see a big brown bag only its... Moveing?

I step closer to see what it is and reach my hand to try to grab it only to feel a sharp pain in my hand.

"AHH!" I quickly grab my hand to see what looks like a bit mark and then to see a pair of almost glowing red eyes.

"What the... Whats happening to me?" As I fall to the ground unconscious.

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