The new boy

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Well, well, well ... you couldn't believe you eyes as the new boy rolled in town.

You we're waiting for your friend outside of her mansion: she was expecting an exciting new guest.

The music blared in the house as other people screamed in the background, this was the setting you always loved. Your friend Debora was always one with a rich daddy and a the best social house in the whole of the Hamptons. A dream come true? Hell yes.

You check the time: 7:17, Debora is probably still out somewhere with her new guy. One thing that you really hated the most is how a girl like her was fun, but would disappear for hours on end without texting, calling, or even refusing to take you along sometimes. It was *toxic* you felt, but being 'popular' was your main way of surviving the on-campus party life of university.

Omega-Kappa-Omega: you are both in the same sorority and always sneak out at night to do something fun, paying your way into this one seemed like the right choice.

You look back up at the boy, taking another sip of your genetic White Claw as everyone else pauses and gasps of awe.

There he was: tall, lean, beefy. It was all as if it were a dream.

His eyes were blue like the deep blue see.

His skin, sunkissed and bronze just like one of the ancient gods.

His body, sculpted by the hands of very angels.

And his mojo, a very gift from the devil himself.

He was only one thing: irrisistible.

You watched as the remaints of the golden sunshine falling in from the prismatic sunset fell onto his defined muscle, contouring his chisled abs. It was like the heavens sent a blessing straight to Earth, your prayers waiting for a the dream man answered, especially when he appeared more lean that Noah Beck.

In the very moment, you hoped the boy would pay attention to you when you were surrounded by a whole other amount of girls in your league or even higher: piercing eyes, volumous hair, the one that guys would oggle on the beach. Yes, you didn't like that part. Normally, you hated Hampton boys, but this one, added a little spice to it.

'y/n!' Debora shouts from behind you. 'How are you? Sara said that you'd be right here,'

'Deb! Where the fuck have you been?!' you exclaim, annoyed that she spent a long time coming back to her own place finally.

'On the coast: I met some new people and invited them here,'

'Oh nice!' you chucked, and I don't think I should even mention who you were hoping it would be, 'Who are they?'

'A group of surfers,' she chuckles, 'Frat boys,'

'More frat boys?' you respond judgingly, 'I thought you were done with those,'

'Not when they're the party legends of the Hamptons!'

'Isn't that what all Frat boys call themselves?'

'Well no,' Debora laughs, 'These are different: some even fresh from Europe,'

'Ooh!' you exclaim, 'Exotic!'

'I also got something even better!' 

Your mind hopped onto the same person again.

'West coast!' she says, jumping up and down.

'Dude! Who the hell are you?'

'Debora Raymond, socialite and y/n's best bitch,'

'Well, I hope I'd score something just as good just for you,' you insist, waiting impatiently to enter the party to see the new members.

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