30: A BBQ

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I stepped out of the cabin of the boat with the new atlas for Ford when I noticed Stan staring at his hand, his usual humming paused. He looked off to the horizon and mumbled, "Where am I?"

"What?" Ford asked, pulling in some fish.

Stan looked at him. "Who are you?"

"Oh no," I said, setting down the atlas book. "Stanley..."

"Stanley," Ford said as he grabbed Stan's arm, "it's me, Ford."

"Ford? Who?" Stan asked.

"Stanley..." Ford hugged him as they sat on the deck. "You have to remember."

I knelt down and put me arms around them and slowly said, "Come back to us, Stanley."

"Who are you?" Stan asked, looking at me.

"James," I said calmly. "Do you remember me?"

Stan stared for a minute. "You're... my friend..." He smiled. "My best friend."

"Yes," I said. "And Stanford. Who is he?"

"Stanford..." Stan looked at Ford for a second. "You're Ford... Ford is..." His face lit up as though he hit a jackpot. "You're my brother!" he pointed back at me. "You're his husband."

I sighed with a smile. "And what's your name?"

"Stanley Pines."

Ford smiled lightly. "And where are you?"

"I'm on the Stan O' War 2. Somewhere on the Atlantic."

I released Stan and Ford. "Correct." I picked up the atlas again.

"I'm real sorry, guys," Stan said. "I was tying knots and just suddenly didn't know what was happening."

"It's alright, Stanley," Ford said, standing up. "Don't worry about it."


I peeked on Stan in his bunk, finding him still fast asleep. I sighed as I joined Ford at the railing of the bow. "He's still asleep. Looks like yesterday's episode was pretty minor."

Ford sighed as he jotted something down and looked up at the stars again. "I just hope he doesn't have an episode when we really need him..."

"Like during a storm or a panic attack?"

"You noticed?"

"We sleep in the same bed, Sixer. Of course I noticed you've had an increase in panic attacks." I set my hand on his cheek and made him look at me. "Please don't leave me out of the loop, Ford."

Ford nodded. "If I feel one coming on I'll come to you. I just want you to try the same thing you use on Stan."

"Just talking to you?"

"Yeah," Ford said, "but that way you do to bring Stan back. That slow talking I've only ever heard you do."

"I can do that," I said. "It's not a difficult request. And I'll teach you and Stan both to do it in case I'm not around for any reason."

"Why wouldn't you be around?" Ford asked.

"Any number of reasons," I said. "I could be gathering supplies or checking in on the bar."

"Right," Ford pulled his arm around my waist and pulled me into a backwards hug. "I wonder if Stan will ever remember we're not married?"

"I don't think it matters if he remembers there was never a wedding." I sighed as I looked up at the stars, the back of my head resting against Ford's shoulder. "As far as Stan was concerned, we were already married before he lost his memory."

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