First Day

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It was 1995 and Calliana Knight was roaming the school halls until her preforming arts teacher pulled her aside...

"Hi Cali, would you be able to do me a favor?" Mrs. Sherman asked the girl as she called her over. "Of course what's up?" Cali responded.

"So there is a new group of boy coming in to school tomorrow, and I was wondering if you would be able to show them around and kinda get them to know the basics. I would ask someone else but you're always a friendly welcoming face." Said Mrs. Sherman

"Oh my gosh yes! I would love to." Cali beamed

"Ok great! I'll see you in my room tomorrow morning."

As Caliana watched Mrs. Sherman walk away and she heard a high pitched voice coming from a different direction. "CALI CALI CALI CALI" screamed the blonde girl as she almost knocked Cali over.

"Woah calm down what's up?" Cali said confused.

TOTALEMBARRASSMENT" The girl ended with a loud gasp for air.

"Sammy, take a deeeeep breath and say that again in more then one word please" Cali said staring at the girl like she was crazy.


"Woah I know I know chill, You guys can come over tomorrow and we'll practice in the studio... okaaaay?" Cali said trying to calm Sammy down.

"Okay Okay I got it... Anyways BYEEEE see you tomorrow, kisses" Sammy said in her usually high pitched voice, blew a kiss, and walked away as Cali laughed to herself.

The next morning Cali woke up crazy excited since she got to show the new kids around. She always love making new friends, she after all was the popular girl in school. Cali got ready and rushed to school.

Cali's outfit ( just think of shirt and headband in red)

As soon as Cali walked into the building she was bombarded with questions by her bandmates, including Sammy

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As soon as Cali walked into the building she was bombarded with questions by her bandmates, including Sammy. They we all wearing the same outfit as Cali, just with a different color headband and top. It was tradition for the girls to do this the before they performed.

"Cali so I was thinking..."
"Cali I need help with one of the dances!"
"Cali you never decided what we were gonna wear for the show"
"Cali what time should we come over"
"Cali I have a really good idea for what song we should do"
All of the girl said at once practically yelling over each other.

"uhhhh can we talk about this later? I have some where really important to be and i'm gonna be late." Cali said as she walked around them and to the music room.
"Oh hi boys! You're just in time Cali should be here any minute!" Mrs. Sherman said happily.

"Cali?" the blonde boy asked.

"Oh yes! I asked Cali if she would mind showing you guys around. I figured it would be good to have a friendly face to see in the halls. You know, just in case you need something."

Then there was a knock on the door. "Oh that must be her! Come in."

"Hi Mrs. Sherman! I am so sorry I couldn't be here early I got a little caught up this morning." Cali said out of breath from how fast she had ran there.

The four boys watched in amazement as a girl with glowing tan skin and silky wavy brown hair walked into the room. Everyone in school knew how beautiful Cali was and now the boy knew it too.

"Hi i'm Caliana Knight but you can call me Cali!" The girl said with her charming Caliana smile everyone knew and loved.

"Hey i'm Alex!" the blonde boy responded to her. He turned to look at his friends waiting for them to introduce themselves, but they were still stunned at the girl before one of the boy finally spoke.

"I'm Bobby!" One of the boys said waving.
"I-i i'm Reginald, uh I mean Reggie" the boy wearing a flannel said while awkwardly chuckle ling and scratching the back of his neck.

"Alrighty then! I'll leave you kids too it. Have fun!" The teacher said as she left the room.

"So, what brings you guys to our school?" Cali asked.

"Well we know this school had a killer music program and we're kinda hoping to make it big out there and you gotta start somewhere, right?" Luke said. 

"Yeah I totally get it! This school has so many opportunities for things like that. Who know maybe you can be the second best band in this school." Cali said laughing. 

"Second best?" Alex questioned.

"Well yeah after my band of course" Cali challenge.

"You're in a band!? You?" Luke laughed as if he almost didn't believe her.

"Um yes, why, do you not believe me"

"No we do it's just you're dressed a little uh what's the word.... uptight, to be in a band." Luke said looking down at the girl.

Cali laughed at the boy "You're funny, but I guess you'll just have to wait and see... You know my band and I always go to this place because they let bands sign up every week to play music. You guys should totally come, there might be a spot or two left. Unless you're nervous... ya know first day jitters." Cali said while making a sarcastic pouty face.

"Yeah um we'll be there" Reggie said sending the girl a wink.

"Prepared to be wowed of the stage" Luke said challenging her once again.

"Can't wait!" The girl said sarcastically while copying Reggie's movements by sending a wink back to him. She turned around on her heel as her hair whipped behind her and she confidently walked out of the room just like she always does.

"Wow" all the boys said breathlessly and the finally exited the room.

Hi guys!!!!
I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. If you didn't see this is going to be a Reggie story.
If you enjoyed this story please please please comment and let me know so i can write more!!!

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