Show Time

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By the time lunch had come around, the boys had gotten to know the school better. Cali would walk them to their classes to show them where they were supposed to go.

The girls were all sitting at their usual table when Cali saw the boys walk in. She waved them over to their table so she could introduce them.

"Hey over here!" Cali said while motioning for the boys to come over.

The boys walked over, said hi, and sat down right across from the girls.

"So girls this is Alex, Reggie, Luke, and Bobby. Boys this is Samantha, Rebecca, Brandy, and Allison" Cali explained

They all said hello to each other and made small talk until Sam brought up the band.

"So Cali tells me you guys transferred for the music program. You guys are in a band?" Sam asked

"Yeah we are are" Luke told her

"Oh Sammy I told them to come tomorrow and see if they can get on the roster" Cali told the blonde

"Oh that's so fun! We preform there every week"

"Well we'll definitely be there" Reggie said while smiling at Cali

"Alright come one dude let's go" Alex laughed as the boys walked away.

It was time for the show and the girls were getting ready to go on stage
(picture this type of thing as their outfits but the tops and knee patches all in their signature color, Cali's is red, Sammy is pink, Rebecca is blue, Brandy is green, and Allison is yellow)

It was time for the show and the girls were getting ready to go on stage (picture this type of thing as their outfits but the tops and knee patches all in their signature color, Cali's is red, Sammy is pink, Rebecca is blue, Brandy is green, and A...

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They saw the boys walk in but before they could say hello they got called up. They walked up to the stage and got in position. Before they started Cali shot Reggie and wink and she saw they boy laugh and nudge him as his face got red.

"Now introducing Bomb Squad!" The announcer said as everyone cheered.

When ever we walk in the room
All the focus on us
They way we talk the way we move
They all want one our team

They all threw their glasses into the crowd as a bunch of people caught them. Cali threw hers to the boys as Reggie caught them.

Not trynna brag brag but we're flawless
We're taking over your playlist
Ain't perfect but we can miss, yeah
The party don't start till we walk in
We're stealing all the attention
Don't get me started on mentions, yeah

They danced around the stage as all the people watched in amazement. It was just they way the preformed, they were so entertaining that it was like they had the people in the palm of their hands.

Some might say we sound coincided
They don't get the shine that we get
Some get jealous
They can't help it
They wish they were us!

Cherry Bomb - Julie and the Phantoms (Reggie)Where stories live. Discover now