C is for Comparisons

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      Probably the most common reason people hate Jason Grace, Is because he is compared so much to Percy Jackson. As the main character and narrator of five books, Percy is probably the most emotionally connected character in the Percy Jackson universe up until we meet Jason in the Lost Hero. Combined with the fact that Jason takes the place of Percy as the main character in that book it seems as though Rick Riordan is comparing them. Percy and Jason's personalities are a complete polar opposite's. Percy is a cool, laid-back, funny rebel. While Jason seems to be a strict rule following leader. The fact that they also look so different and have godly parents that are against each other, makes it seem all the more as though Percy and Jason are being compared. During the fight in Kansas in MOA and the general tension between them in that entire book also adds to this theory. As people are so connected with Percy the idea of anyone especially a character that is just being introduced being favorably compared or even preferred to Percy is outrageous. Jasons fighting skills (though not often shown) Are also on the same level as Percy's as we know nothing about how Jason learned to fight, this seems very Gary Stu-ish. 

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