2. you're always out to get me

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"i fucking said no alex. i don't want to have a drink, just leave it as that!" jack said in a slightly raised voice, before storming off to his room.

he slammed the door and sat down on his bed, already feeling guilty for shouting at alex. 'why did i get so mad at him?' he thought to himself. he wasn't mad inside, he just didn't want alex asking him so many questions. he'd been getting annoyed alot recently, he didn't exactly show it but he just felt pressurised. by what? he didn't even know. he did want a drink, he lied about promising sarah he wouldn't drink- it was more that sarah didn't want jack drinking. jack didn't know why sarah didn't like him drinking, considering she enjoyed a drink or two herself, but he didn't want to question her incase she got upset with her. he found it easier to just go with what she asked. he loved her, and that's all that mattered.

a slam from the door next to his room distracted jack from his thoughts. alex must have gone to bed, as his bedroom was right next to his. the door slam wasn't too loud, but loud enough to signal to jack that alex was pissed off with him. 

jack sighed and got under his bed covers, thinking to himself 'hopefully everything will be fine again in the morning,' before drifting off to sleep.


rian walked into the kitchen the next morning, to see alex already up and making himself a coffee. 

"morning alex," rian spoke as alex turned around to look at him. rian smiled at him, he looked adorable first thing on a morning. his hair was a little messy, not yet brushed, and he wore pyjamas with sheep on them. "how you feeling...?"

alex shrugged and poured rian a cup of coffee, "i'm still mad at jack. how long do you think i can go with avoiding him before it gets weird?"

"considering we're living together for this week for gig practise... and we literally go on tour next week so we'll all be living all squashed in a bus again... probably not long," rian replied, thanking alex as he passed rian his coffee.

they both walked to the living room and sat on a sofa, "do you want a hug?" rian asked alex. he knew hugs always cheered alex up, and rian always enjoyed hugging alex. even though alex was taller than rian, rian was much more muscley making alex feel much smaller in his arms.

alex nodded and set down his cup of coffee before cuddling up to rian, "thank you."

rian cuddled back, appreciating the moment. he wished alex would stop beating himself up about things he couldn't help. alex was so friendly, caring and always put others before himself. nobody ever seemed to be there for alex, except rian of course. 

their little moment ended as abruptly as it started, as a sudden and frantic knocking started at the door. confused, rian and alex quickly got up and opened the door.

"where is he?!" the girl shouted as soon as the door was opened. alex's face dropped as he recognised the small, blonde haired girl appeared. 

"who?" rian asked, trying to humour the girl. they both knew who she meant, but neither alex or rian liked her, so annoying her was a great pleasure to both men.

the girl pushed her way through them both and walked into the house, "jack! obviously! where is he?! he didn't text me last night! i called him 10 times last night and 10 times this morning and i didn't get an answer! is he here? did he get drunk? did he lie to me? is he cheating on me?!"

"shut the fuck up already, i thought you were jacks girlfriend? you should know jack isn't a morning person." alex snapped at her. she had been here not even a minute and he already wanted to scream, thats how much he couldn't stand her.

the sound of footsteps started as someone walked down the stairs, "what's all the commotion about down here?" jack yawned.

sarah quickly walked over to jack and slapped him across the face, shocking all 3 men. "why didn't you answer my calls???"

jack quickly put a hand to his face, which was already stinging and turning red. "you called me? i- i didn't notice, i fell asleep early. sorry babe..."

"aww it's okay babe," sarah replied as she stood on her tip-toes and kissed the taller man.

as jack kissed her back, alex rolled his eyes and walked out the room- rian closely following behind.

alex walked up to his bedroom, picked up his guitar and sat on his bed. rian stood at the doorway, nervously watching as alex played some random chords. playing guitar always calmed alex down, it distracted him from his thoughts and right now he needed to be distracted before he killed a bitch. the bitch of course being sarah. 

"well, there goes a peaceful week i guess." alex sighed, as he stopped strumming on his guitar.

"i'm sure she'll leave... she just wanted to check up on jack..." rian replied. alex looked at him as if to say 'really?' and rian chuckled a little. "yeah.. you're right, she's invited herself to join us i guess... just try not to let her get in the way of our practises, we can do this."

alex nodded and put down his guitar and patted the space next to him on the bed, signalling for rian to sit next to him. rian obliged and sat on the bed.

"speaking of relationships..." alex started, looking at rian. rian felt his stomach do a flip, looking back at alex and trying to stop himself blushing. "any lucky girls in your life yet? or... guys? or whatever?"

"dude shut up you know i only like girls," rian quickly defended himself. "and no... i'm not interested in anybody at the moment..."

alex shrugged, "i ain't one to judge either way. i just think you and zack would make a cute couple... if you weren't both straight of course."

rian rolled his eyes and playfully pushed alex, "you can't say anything about relationships to me when you haven't had one for years either."

"yeah... we both know why i haven't though..." alex sighed, his thoughts going back to the years he has been in love with jack. "there's just nobody else out there like him."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2020 ⏰

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