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Later on they had a quiet dinner just the two of them, Lyra swung her feet under the table where her feet did not meet the floor since she was too short.

Marisa was in the middle of explaining to Lyra that she could not have her new stuffed panserbjørn bear plush toy at the table with them which resulted in a frown.

They were served lemon crusted chicken with vegetables, the chicken of which Lyra had trouble only for Lyra to pout before one of the staff cut it up small for her and then returned her plate.

As they sat in peace with a silence stretching the volume of the entire flat, Marisa was itching to have Lyra talk. Marisa having not known the simplest things about her daughter, such as her clothing size struck a nerve inside of her.

So, Marisa attempted conversation with Lyra asking her questions ranging from her favorite things to do all the way to pretty much everything she missed for the last five years.

Lyra didn't say much, still not comfortable with Marisa. Lyra did almost open up about a memory between her and her father.

"One time he caught me playing in the clay-" That was all Lyra said as her expression turned from smiling upon the memory to a sullen expression before looking back down at her plate.

After seeing Lyra's expression fall, Marisa saw the opportunity to change the subject eager to shift it away from talks of Asriel.

"Lyra, I wish to get to know you better. What are the most important things to know?" Marisa's eyes flashed with desire as she wanted answers, she smiled towards Lyra who was raising her fork to eat a piece of chicken. Lyra chewed the piece of chicken quickly in order to answer Marisa, Lyra put down her fork.

"Nothing to say really" Lyra shrugged the question off, not knowing how to respond or what to say.

Marisa was not used to someone brushing her off so easily, most people would hang onto her in conversation or would jump at the opportunity to talk about themselves. Lyra was different, she was interesting.

"Well there must be something"

Marisa's eyes flashed as she playfully attempted to get Lyra to smile, which worked as Lyra smiled towards her. Lyra's demeanor eased as she noticed Marisa's comforting, smiling face as she looked towards her.

"I like to climb"

Marisa beamed when Lyra spoke, delighted to learn anything about Lyra. "There we go, how exciting. I do hope you are being safe when you climb"

"I usually am, however this one time I was climbing on the roofs at Jordan and slipped off the side. I hit my head quite badly. The master was in stitches after I got hurt"

Marisa's face bore concern over the previous event, she gripped her daemon under the table by the scruff of the neck in her anger that her child was allowed to run wild and free around the college. Where no one was watching, she easily got hurt and no one was around to stop her. She wasn't around, she couldn't; all because of Asriel. Her anger surrounded her internally festering with guilt and frustration that Asriel allowed this to happen.

"I was alright and I'm careful now"

Marisa snapped her head back towards Lyra as the girl reassured. Lyra had noticed the shift in Marisa even though she attempted to hide her anger of Lyra getting injured while in the college's care, she still saw it upon Marisa's face.

"Well, I am glad you were alright" Marisa softly smiled reassuringly towards Lyra who's shoulders relaxed as Marisa let go of the scruff of her daemon's neck; smiling towards Lyra.

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