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Sunlight streamed into the apartment surrounding all the walls and surfaces, the open window had a soft breeze billowing the white cotton lace curtains as Marisa Coulter slept upon her bed in her bedroom peacefully. The golden monkey was sleeping upon the edge of the bed furthest away from Marisa as comfortable as she was curled up.

Some distant clattering from the staff in the kitchens awoke her for a start as she breathed in sharply and slowly began to flex and move her body under the sheets in attempts to wake herself further. Marisa kept her eyes shut as she did so, relaxing into the sheets until the memories of the previous day caught up to her as her eyes suddenly popped open in thought and realization.

Marisa rose from her bedroom, her light slippers sliding against the floor as she slowly approached the spare bedroom as if approaching a frightened animal.

Marisa brushed her hand over the door as she shuddered through a breath before gripping the cool metal door handle. Slowly twisting it, turning it as she slowly opened the door without making a sound.

She very carefully with searching eyes opened the door a little bit to peek in, scanning the room taking in the bareness of it before settling upon the new boxes from yesterday atop the dresser that still had to be tucked away into storage.

Then her gaze turned to the left reaching the sight of the bed, which was very large for such a small little person. Marisa became concerned when she failed to find who she was searching for, the sheets upon the bed appeared to be messed around and half of the covers had slid onto the floor in the night.

Marisa, knowing from the bed's state she hadn't dreamt the previous day, however, began to panic at the lack of sight of little Lyra. She quickly made her way into the room fully opening the door quickly, the golden monkey had leaped upon the bed moving some sheets checking hurriedly underneath them in search.

Marisa glanced on one side of the bed finding nothing before rushing to check the other side where the majority of the sheets and covers had slid onto the floor.

Marisa stopped her movements, once she noticed the very small little figure wrapped in the covers and blankets upon the floor sleeping soundly on top of one long pillow.

Marisa uncharacteristically bent down upon the carpet at little Lyra's sleeping side, getting really close to the child inspecting her for any visible injuries after realizing she had fallen out and off the gigantic bed within the night.

Lyra's little chest continued to rise and fall as she slept very peacefully, Marisa gazed upon her innocent and peaceful face causing her to feel sentimental of another time she had gazed upon the same face years ago.

All was quiet until Lyra in her sleep with her small hand brushed one hand across her cheek to scratch an invisible itch feebly. Before Lyra softly turned a bit clutching her blanket close to her chest and in one hand, as she slept upon her stomach with Pan curled up upon her neck and back sleeping away together.

Marisa tisked her tongue making a sound as her face softened at the sight of her daughter, Marisa not wishing Lyra to sleep upon the floor. Very carefully as if defusing a bomb. Placed her arm underneath Lyra as she slept and under her knees to carry her little legs lifted the girl into her arms.

Marisa lifted Lyra into her body as she cradled her close, Lyra moaned very low at the change and movement, however, relaxed into her arms very quickly as she continued to sleep. Pan had shifted around Lyra's neck so he didn't fall.

Marisa glanced up towards the bed where the golden monkey was standing upon it looking towards Marisa cuddling Lyra in her arms with longing as he reached his arms out towards Lyra pouting.

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