Shigaraki Tomura x Fem!Reader

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A/n: Hi guys! I just wanted to say how sorry I am for the delay in updates. I have SOOO many drafts, it's finishing them that's the issue :') *Writers block like a mf* My mental health hasn't been the best but I'm working through it and taking it day by day. Enjoy this next chapter, Shiggy kinnies come get yall juice :)

TW: Rough Sex, Degration kink/Praise Kink, choking, Breeding kink, Daddy kink.


Shigaraki had left you alone at the LoV hideout all day, out doing god knows what with the other members. You were fine for the first few hours, meekly snooping around everyone's rooms in case anyone happened to come back. Dabi had half a joint on his dresser that you happily lit up right then and there, Toga had various blood vials strung about, so you figured it was best to leave her things alone. Toga did have a lot of cute clothes you'd looked through before, but she would let you have anything you wanted if you asked. You noticed that she had an almost weird fascination with you, but you brushed it off as her being nice.

Twices' and Spinner's rooms were nothing special, so you made your way back to Shigaraki's room and plopped down at his computer desk. The screen was bright, but that's how Shigaraki liked it, so you tried not to scold him about it too much.

Just as you were getting settled into a random kdrama, the door opened and shut quickly. Shigaraki stepped inside and closed the door quickly, scratching wildly at his neck. You paused the kdrama and made your way over to him, timidly grabbing at his wrist.

"Hey, baby.. everything okay?" You asked.

Shigaraki grunted, head twitching to the side. "Ashtray fucked up the mission. He fucked everything up, everything is ruined!"

You took ahold of his face, shushing him quietly. "Shiggy.. I'm sure that's not true.."

He pushed you off him, turning towards the dresser to push everything off it and onto the floor. His breathing was unsteady and his hands were fidgeting rapidly. You hadn't seen him like this in a while, you had gotten his outbursts somewhat under control in the year that you'd been dating.

"It is!! He's a fucking screw up!" He raised his voice.

"Shiggy.. he isn't a screw up. Now, I know I wasn't there, but I'm sure it was just a mistake."

Shigaraki spun around to face you, eyes narrowed. "Are you defending him? Against me?!"

You shook your head with a sigh. "No baby I just-"

He then turned and walked towards the door, pulling it open.

"Wait! Where are you going?" You ran over and followed him as he walked out of the room.


"Wait- Shiggy!" He was walking fast, but you finally managed to catch up with him. You grabbed him wrist to make him look at you, but his hands grabbed your shoulders and roughly slammed you against the wall.

"I'm really not in the mood to be playing with you right now pet. Don't you dare fucking follow me again. Now go back in my room and sit down like a good girl.. am I understood?" He leaned in close to you but kept his voice loud. The look in his eyes told you that he was serious, and that you should just do what he says before he flies off the handle.

"Okay, yes."

"Yes what?" He spit, one hand coming up to wrap it tightly around your throat, pinkie finger laid across his ring finger as to not disintegrate you.

"Yes D-"

Suddenly, Dabi's bedroom door opened. He stepped out and noting the scene in front of him and stepped into action. "Everything okay Y/n?"

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