Chapter 18- Road trip

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“The car’s loaded and everyone’s ready.” Justin announced. I was busy checking around the apartment making sure I had everything and that everything was secure. I really didn’t want Hayes to decide to do anything to it while we were gone.

“Everyone’s here?” I met Justin in the hallway near the front door. It was still dark out. We decided to all leave here early in the morning so we could get there in the afternoon sometime.

“Yeah, they’re waiting in the parking lot out front.”

“Okay.” We locked the apartment door behind us.

When we reached the parking lot, Ben, Nate, Max and Adriana we’re all standing around. Sweatpants seemed to be the trend because all of us were wearing them and were only half awake since it was so early that the sun hadn’t even started rising yet.

“I’ll lead the way.” Justin twirled his car keys around his finger. “We’ll do a half way stop where we can stop for a break and get some food.”

“Let’s get going I need to get my sleep on.” Ben opened the door to Nate’s car and Nate followed getting in the driver’s seat.

The rest of us tiredly got into our own cars.  Justin swerved out the parking lot and soon everyone was following close behind us.

“You look exhausted.” Justin noted.

“I am.” I mumbled leaning my head against the window. He didn’t say anything, but seconds later I jumped out of my skin when the radio began to blast music.

“Are you insane? I nearly just flew through the roof!” I yelled over the music.

“I’m waking you up!” He laughed. “I’ve barely seen you these past days.”

“That’s just too bad!” I turned the volume down. We’ve been doing our own thing since we had that dinner outside the other night. I tried to keep myself busy and focusing on other things instead of freaking out that Hayes could do something at any moment.

It had been really quiet lately. We had no idea about his next moves and it’s been keeping me up these past nights.

“I wanna sleep, so shh!” I put my head against the window. It was quiet again, only the soft sound of the radio still playing. Then again the music was booming in the car even louder.

“Justin!” I growled. He glanced at me then laughed. Out of nowhere he began singing along. No, it wasn’t calm and casual singing. It was singing that was so obnoxiously loud that I wanted to hit his head against the damn steering wheel.

Oh, I don't know what you had planned to do tonight!” He belted out. “But I just wanna be the one to do you right!

“Stop!” I quickly turned the radio off. “Why, just why?” I whined.

He grinned biting his lip.

“You want to sleep?” He played dumb.

“Yes I would like to sleep, you asshole!”

“Aright but first listen to the song with me.” He turned the radio back on before I could object and the whole car vibrated with sound.

Who said you can't find love in the club? Cause I wanna tell them they're wrong. Come on, just, baby, try a new thing.” He sang loudly. “C’mon sing along sweetheart.”

“I’m not singing!” I yelled back. We were basically the only ones on this long straight dark road with everyone following behind us. I could just imagine, Max and Adriana behind us probably in a peaceful ride, Max driving carefully with Adriana next to him. Ben and Nate casually having a calming conversation about maybe what they were thinking of doing when we got to the cabins. Then there was me and Justin. You could swear we where supplying music for the entire country the way the volume was so up high.

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