Encounter of the loud mouth kind

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*Izuku 5 years old now*

Narrator pov 

We see your dark slayer and his annoying little sister going to school but as they do izuku hears all the chatter about him and HIS SISTER (btw izuku is that over protective brother that says you will never date) most of it innocent enough but from the older adults he hears things that makes his skin crawl.

Izuku:'I swear they get near my sister or me there going to learn why I call my quirk dark slayer'

As they get to school they head to class not much interesting to izuku but the quirks on display one guy can pop his eyeballs out the other seem to have a frog throat weird but interesting nonetheless but then he hears what seems like firecrackers going off he turns his head and grumbles to himself he recognized the boy it was his god brother bakugou katsuki he keeps his head down not wanting anything to do with his god brother because to him he already had a loud mouth he didn't need a louder one but then it happened.

Izumi*squealing*: HI IZUKU LOOK LOOK IT'S KACHAN IT'S KACHAN! !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Izuku*rubbing his temples*:yes yes I saw him before you did you howler monkey no wait sorry howler monkeys are quieter.

Izumi*pouting*:oh hush you big meanie.

Katsuki*excited*:hi guys it been so long since I've seen you guys

Izuku:hello to you to 

Izumi*in awe*:wow is that your quirk it's so cool.

Katsuki*cocky*: I know it is awesome right in can make explosions from my hands 

Izumi*still in awe*: so cool

Katsuki : what are your guys quirks

Izumi*happy*:my is a combo of my dad's and mom's quirk it is a super strong telekinesis 

Katsuki:awesome what about you izuku.

Izuku:I call mine dark slayer it just felt right it gives me such an enhanced healing factor that if I was cut in half it would not show and it gives me this blue aura that makes me faster and stronger than I already am.

Katsuki:wow that is a lot of info to take in.

Izuku:not really you're just lacking in academics.



Izuku*faceplamed*:I'm calling you a idiot.

Katsuki*mad*: HEY.

Izumi:it is good to be on this side of the fence.

As the teacher ask them to introduce themselves and went about there day one thing happened after school izuku and Izumi were in the park izuku reading his poetry with a smile while Izumi was playing on the jungle gym he heard a noise and saw something that will change his life it was katsuki standing over three girls one had a black spiky pony tale while the second had head phone Jacks as earlobes the last was a odd color she was pink? And had yellow horns but they were all crying.

Katsuki: that will show you all you can't be a hero

Ponytail :please  stop.

Her voice was shaky and scared

Katsuki*smirking like a mad man*:not till you know your place.

At that moment izuku walked calmly in between them a stood his ground and read his poetry still

Izuku:souls are now evil who where childish at start.

Katsuki*mad*:out of the way izuku I need to teach them there place


The girls started to shake even more this odd kid at the same age as them but looked stronger than All Might himself said yes.

Izuku:there place is right behind me as I protect them and all from your villainous actions

Katsuki*fuming *:did you just call me a villain.

Izuku:no but if you continue any more I am afraid we will have to clash forever till wer're both in the dirt.

The girls were shocked this kid was about to fight someone with such a powerful quirk yet he acted as if he already won.

Katsuki: fine then I will show your place.

Katsuki charges forward to give izuku a mean right hook he just stands there reading. The girls screaming for him to move Izumi hears this an gets curious she looks to see her brother and god brother seeming to start a fight but just as bakugou is about to connect the punch izuku in a brust of speed grabbed his punch with his left hand while still reading and then got him in to a headlock until he passed out.

Izuku: like I said my place is between victims and villains.

Everyone was shocked that he beat someone seeming without using his quirk as he said that when he uses his quirk a blue aura appears but he just displayed a level of speed a efficiency that a 5 year old could never reach all while STILL READING HIS FUCKING BOOK.

Izumi:izuku what happened.

Izuku:I don't know myself I only saw that katsuki was hurting these three ladies and I felt I had to step in or stop it completely. Now can you help me get him to his house so he can sleep off the one sided beating I gave him.

Izumi:sure but I'll take him you talk to the girls ok?

Izuku*cocky smirk*:sure you need alone time with your boyfriend after all.

Izumi*blushing*: SHUT UP!

As Izumi used her telekinesis to take katsuki to his house izuku turned around and went to the girls with a heart warming smile. All the girls blushed to them even though he was 5 he was giving off a handsomness that even 25 year old body builders couldn't give.

Izuku:are you ladies hurt I'm terribly sorry for my god brother's actions.

Ponytail*blushing and stuttering*: nn..n.no it's o...o.o..ok

Ear phone Jacks*blushing and stuttering*: y..y..yeah p.p..plus you s.s....saved u.us.

Pinky*small blush and tiny stutter*: hey j.just to let you know your h.hair is down.

Izuku:ah yes thank you 

Izuku smoothed and spiked up his hair in one move when he looked at them now he saw three extremely cute girls in front of him he couldn't help but blush a small bit. He covered his face with his hand and look away which the girls find adorable and blush even more. All of them calm down when they hear there mom calling them but izuku wanted to said one more thing

Izuku : hold on are you all reaching to be heroes and go to UA?

All of them*scared*:yeah why

They were scared that he was like the other kid but then he just quoted a poetry line

Izuku:just remember "pain shapes a woman into a warrior" R.H.SIN

All of them were happy to hear that he thought from this pain they will be great as heroes they thanked him a then headed off to there mothers then he heard there mom say something on the lines of who was that boy there reply made him happy they said there hero.

alright my little corgis have a wonderful day in what ever part of the world you are in.

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