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Step Into Christmas

All Members- no ships or specific mentions
Prompt: Step Into Christmas- Elton John
Word Count- 484

"Mark, can you pass me the tinsel please?" Taeyong asked, reaching a hand out waiting for the object to arrive in his hand while his eyes remained on the tree where Jisung and Chenle were bombarding the green with a litter of ornaments. When he received nothing, he finally drew his eyes from the pair, hesitantly. He turned to find Mark wrapped up in the lights he had been trying to detangle for a good half an hour now.

" How do you even- What?" Taeyong squinted, his face scrunching in confusion. Mark just shrugged. As taeyong started to find a way to untangle him, some of the others came over to help as well.

Once the boy was finally free from his bright and tight restraints, Johnny and Sungchan assisted in putting the lights on the top of the tree as well as moving some of the ornaments that Jisung and Chenle had grouped at the bottom of the tree, further up the prickly green pice of nature stood in the corner of the room.

Boys were scattered all over the dorm as they chilled out together, some sat in the kitchen eating Christmas snacks while the others baked, some sang and danced in the lounge while others blocked their ears, heads pounding from the screaming boys. Meanwhile, some of the older ones just sat, chilling and talking while drinking eggnog or hot chocolates.

Soon enough, the room was just screaming Christmas. It was so clear that this year was going to be a different one. A better one. With new friends and old, they were all together. After everything they had been through together this year. Even in the short time they had known each other, and for others the long time, they had never experienced anything quite like this year. This year was special. Okay, sometimes it wasn't the good type of special, there were defiantly several great memories they would be able to look back on.

As all these different people, from so many different parts of the world, came together, forming unimaginable friendships. And now. In this moment. A smile -or grin- on each of their faces, the world seemed so bright.

"Haha, It's SNOWING!!!" Chenle screamed out of nowhere, his pitchy dolphin laugh catching everyone's attention fairly quickly. he rushed over to the window, followed by a few of the other younger members. Everyone was eventually sat, watching as the white soft flakes of snow drifted down past the window.

Each of them turned and smiled to each other every now and again. Cuddled together by the window, blankets wrapped around some, others with drinks and food still in their hands. They sat for ages, chatting quietly as the snow fell. The finished decorations behind them glowing reds and golds.

All of it a pure beauty.

Chenle subtly leant to his left where Jisung sat in awe before whispering,

"You see it? You see it? Its legend!"

As usual, I make a plan, set a deadline and heat I'm still late

Happy December everyone

I am really excited to write some of these, I just hope I'm not too late with too many of them🙄

I'm still open to a few suggestions if anyone has any

Thank you so much for reading


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