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Walking to the common room in anger. Abraxas Malfoy and Amelie have been dating for only a month and he goes and fucks some other girl, that's not okay with me. It really isn't. I'm no side chick, I either want all of you or none of you Abraxas didn't seem to understand that.

Of course he'd do this. He only dated her to have title of slytherin prince knowing she was the princess.

A hand rests on her shoulder and stops her from going forward, the same hand then takes me into an empty hallway.

Then we run. I don't even know who it is but we're running together- well walking quite fast, I mean I am. He's tall and that makes it easier to take bigger steps.

Soon I realise Tom is he one dragging me around. He's friends with Malfoy and I wasn't in the mood so I tried to walk away until he grabbed my wrist, "who let you leave?"
All I could do was roll my eyes and watch him pace around a wall a few time, I was about to call him crazy until a door appeared.

He took me inside and sat me on a chair.

The room was beautiful. A large bed with green silk, no windows, a desk with plenty of books, a painting of what appears to be Salazar Slytherin. There was a tall black lamp and couches accompanied by a bottle of firewhisky.

"Tell me, what's going on with you and Abraxas."

It was more of a demand than a question which irked her a little, who was he to demand anything of her? "Nothing, his small dick self went and cheated on me while I was sick, no biggie."

Tom clenched his jaw, "not only do you distract him by..making love but then you leave him?"

"Excuse me? He was the one who cheated! Why blame me?"

"Because why would he get with you in the first place, do you know how behind he is on..everything?" Tom said sternly.

"Oh no! His potions essays won't be as horrible as usual! What a fucking shame."

Tom suddenly went towards her wanting to hit her, but he couldn't. Not now, not to her. Not yet.

"I want to see."

"See what exactly?"

"What's so good about you, why you're allegedly different, you look and act the same as every other girl I've met but Abraxas is willing to lose all he's worked for to be with you."

"I'm sorry, I'm lost."

"If Malfoy spends so much time talking about how..great you are to have around, I'd like to see what he's taking about, it's simple honestly."

"So what am I meant to do?"

"Take off your shirt for starters," he flashed her a smile and walked away from her.

She froze, was he alright? "I'm sorry, I can't do that."

"Why not?"

"Tom, I can't just randomly do..that..with you because you're curious?"

"And why is that?"

She went silent, she didn't mind the idea, Tom always had girls flaunting around him so he had to be experienced but did she want this? Right after breaking up with his closest friend? It was irritating how she wanted to kiss him right then, maybe it was her anger at the very moment or maybe it was the stupid teenage hormones.

"Riddle I can't d-"

Before she could finish Tom went up to her and smashed his lips onto hers then took her to the bed that had beautiful velvet sheets on top.

Tom Riddle Smutsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें