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I hung my head upside down out the window, letting my hair dangle below. The wind brushed past and kissed my S/C skin. It was bitter and made my nose crinkle. My hushed whistling filled the air and caught the looks of a few people below who stared up at me. I was on the second floor of the house which I used to share with a couple and their son before they disappeared two weeks back so currently I'm the only person living here so to speak. Tommy would often come by to check on me, drop round some food and the essentials and keep my company, even bring Maria if she wasn't busy. Sitting upright on the windowsill, I glanced into the dark room that I spent such little time in. It was rather dark as the power had been out a few days now, something about a blockage up the river stopping the water flowing through the dam that supplied our power. Tommy was going to go check it out tomorrow with a few volunteers and he invited me along. I of course accepted his offer and was now waiting in anticipation for tomorrow. I heard a bell go off in the distance near the main gates of the overly large compound as I called it. It did used to be a town or at least before the outbreak. Jumping down from the windowsill, I ran down the stairs of the house and outside into the spring air. It nipped at my nose as I rushed to where Tommy and Maria lived and knocked on the door rapidly while the bell died down. The wooden door opened to reveal Tommy looking down at me. With a smile on my face I pointed in the direction of the gates and he grabbed his rifle that was against the wall. Nodding at me, we hurried towards the gates to see what was going on and climbed up the scaffolding along the fence. Several adults, about 5 of them, all had their rifles drawn and were aiming at whoever was outside the compound. After just one glance over the edge, Tommy immediately told everyone to lower their weapons and went down to open the gate. Peering over the wall, I laid eyes on two people. One an older looking man, older than Tommy at least, and the other a young girl, probably about my age. They looked a bit beaten up and as if they've come far just to get here. I jumped down from the wall and landed lightly on my feet, splashing in a muddy brown puddle. When I looked up I could see Tommy talking to the man just by the gate. They were being quite hushed about it and the girl was stood close to the man. 'His daughter perhaps?' Just as I was about to walk towards them all, loud footsteps could be heard, and everyone's heads turned to see Maria running in our direction. When she got here, she bent over and took a few deep breathes to calm her obviously rapidly beating heart from the running.

"Knew you'd come back," Tommy said out loud to the man.

"Yeah. Ma'am," The guy nodded towards Maria and she sent a smile his way.

"Was it everything you was hoping for?" Tommy asked him as we all started to walk away from the gate. Tommy, the guy he obviously knew, and the girl were in front while me and Maria were walking behind.

"Not exactly," The girl replied. I turned to Maria and gave a questioning look.

"Oh yeah, you never met them when they were up at the dam did you," She chuckled quietly.

"Yeah, I was out on a hunt with Ian and Markus," I sighed, "Apparently a gunfight with some bandits when down."

"Yeah, that parts true."

"So, who are they?" I asked tilting my head.

"The guy is Joel, Tommy's brother," She pointed to the man, "And the girl is Ellie, he promised somebody he'd look after her and take her to the Fireflies." I nodded in acknowledgement as we all kept walking deeper into the compound, towards Tommy and Maria's house.

After another 15 minutes of walking, most of it spent waiting on Maria who had to quickly talk to a friend on the way, we were finally outside the house. We all entered the house, and I went inside last and leaned up against a wall in the living room. Tommy and Maria sat beside each other on one sofa while Joel and Ellie sat on the other.

"You stayin' long?" Tommy asked.

"Possibly. We're not sure yet," Joel responded, leaning back into the sofa.

"They'll be needing a place to stay," I added in which caused everybody to turn to look at me. My arms were crossed over my chest and my face was that of an expressionless one.

"Well, there aren't really any completely empty houses left," Maria added.

"I have a way around that," Tommy smirked, in my direction, "F/N here lives all on her own in a house. The family that used to share it with her went missing two weeks back." I glared daggers at Tommy. 'I like living alone. Don't ruin it for me Tommy.'

"That could work," Maria inputted. I stayed quiet, just staring at the two of them. They looked pretty pleased with themselves. Joel nodded at them and it was finally settled. Joel and Ellie would be staying in the same house as me.

"There's only two rooms in the house," I said, moving from my position against the wall to join the four of them.

"Then you and Ellie can share," Tommy smiled kindly at Ellie and she smiled back. My hands clenched into fists as the four of them stood up.

"It's settled then."

"F/N will show you to the house and then she'll probably go off and do her own stuff so feel free to do what you wish," Maria gestured to me. And with that me, Joel and Ellie left. On the way to the house Ellie sparked up a conversation with me while Joel stayed quiet and followed behind us.

"Do you read comics?" She asked, a wide smile etched onto her face.

"No?" I said, a little confused, "What's a 'comic'?"

"You don't know what a comic is?!" She yelled with disbelief, "They're amazing! Joel told me all about how lots of kids would go crazy over them before all this." I turned back to look at Joel for approval.

"They sure did."

"Cool. So, what actually are comics?" I asked again.

"They're like a book but with more pictures than words. I'm reading a series called Savage Starlight at the moment. I picked the first issue up at Bills and then we've found some of them in other places since," She explained. I smiled widely at her and she smiled back.

"I think I might just start taking an interest in these comics. They sound like a good way to pass the time."

"They are!"

Our conversation about comics continued on and on while we were walking back. It changed from comics to the Fireflies to her and Joel to some crazy guy named David and then finally the conversation landed on me.

"What about you?"

"Me? Well, I was born in a quarantine zone believe it or not. My mum died of infection when I was 5 and my dad went missing when I was 7 so I've had a rough family life," I scratched the back of my neck, "I uhm, haven't had many good experiences with hunters or anything."

"Huh, how come?" She pressed on.

"I'd rather not talk about," I dismissed as we stopped outside the front of the house. The sky was a deep orange, and the clouds were fluffy and pink, like candy floss. The sun was slowly setting beneath the horizon, casting a beautiful glow over the forest on the mountains. Letting out a deep breath, I opened the door to the house and let Joel and Ellie in before closing the oak door behind me. As I flopped down onto the old but comfy sofa, I let out a sigh of relief. I was content with the whole situation now, especially that I'd gotten to know my roommate a little better. My eyes slid shut and I peacefully relaxed while Joel and Ellie did whatever. I was too occupied with relaxing to notice Ellie looking at me with a kind smile on her face. Unbeknown to me, Joel looked out the window before glancing at Ellie and noticing the look on her face. Smiling to himself, he let out a sigh and let loose a little. 'Man, what an eventful day...'

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