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Smut includes: Anal sex, anal fingering, oral sex, orgasm delay/denial, hand jobs, barebacking, cum and spit as lube, Jimin being good for Hoseok and liking it, praise kink (kind of) and aftercare. Also lots of kissing and caressing.

This might be smut but it's also very soft. Soft dirty smut. If you like that stuff, welcome :))

I feel so hot inside yet I feel myself shiver. A tingling sensation that starts deep in my stomach and runs up my spine, spreading everywhere like a virus, even reaching my fingertips, goosebumps all over my body.

It has started the moment his hand, his delicate long fingers, wrapped themselves around my neck.

There isn't much force in his grasp but still a certain firmness in the way he touches me and when I look at him, I can see something in his eyes. It's dark and it's flaring like fire.

The way he looks at my neck, my throat, the way his hand caresses my skin and the way he intently watches it caressing me; it makes me shudder as I can tell that there is some kind of intention behind it all and maybe I know what it is yet I don't dare believe it could be true. I'm too scared of being wrong.

There is this thought screaming in my head that I shouldn't think of it, shouldn't feel like this. But something else is much much louder, ringing in my ears and numbing my mind. And this just feels so right.

Oh, how I wish his something and my something were of the same kind. That I'm not simply reading too much into things and seeing something that isn't there.

Whatever it is that makes him do this, I hope it is what I want it to be and I hope it would never stop, even if it drives me crazy. Even if it only hurts me in the end.

Before my thoughts can go further down that dangerous rabbit hole, his hand disappears and I'm back to reality, back in this crowded dressing room with the rest of the members and stylists and staff. The warmth of his touch lingers for a moment but fades way too quickly and I am left wanting it back, wanting more.

He doesn't hear me sigh and heads towards Taehyung, leaving me with my inner turmoil.

This happens every time.

He comes to me, touches as he pleases, and as soon as he has enough, he just walks off as if nothing happened.

Someone tell me what this is.

Why am I like this?

Why is he doing this?

Why is Hoseok doing this to me?

Why do I-


I startle, shooting up from the couch to go get my make-up done. My heart is beating fast in my chest.

As I sit down in font of the mirror, I look at myself. We're all exhausted from the tight schedule and my eyebags are worse than usual.

A shock of dark brunet hair behind my own reflection catches my attention. It's Hoseok. He's standing a few meters behind me with his arm around Taehyung, chattering loudly with Jin and Jungkook about something I can't follow, because all I see is Hoseok pressing himself into my best friend, my supposedly soulmate, and all I feel is bitterness at his ignorance of my feelings. It's not like he knows and it's not like I could bring myself to tell him. All of them remain blind to it as they should.

"Are you okay? Your face is flushed."

I look at the girl through the mirror as she's applying concealer under my eyes.

"I'm good, thank you," I smile at her. "Just feeling a bit hot."

"Yeah, it's been awfully warm these days. Don't worry, it should be okay after I put some make-up over it."

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