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A/N: Here comes the dirty. All children and innocent, now is your chance to leave!
Everyone else, please enjoy :)

I never expected this day to end like this but here I am, in Hoseok's arms and with seemingly endless tears of happiness rolling down my cheeks. All these weeks of hurt and hopelessness, and apparently it was all because I wasn't looking close enough. My hope has always been right in front of me all this time, by my side.

Maybe I might have noticed the difference between the way Hoseok looks at me compared to the others. Maybe I could have seen that the way he has touches me is different, had I looked into his eyes, had really looked. If I had questioned things more, maybe we would have been where we are now much earlier.

I'm still scared this might just crumble away between my fingers. That this will just turn to dust and I wake up from this dream, alone and miserable in my own bed with Hoseok across the room in his own. So close yet so far.

But I'm here, and Hoseok is here as well, right in front of me. And he's looking at me like he wants me, and I want him too.

He's holding me dearly in his arms as I snuggle into him, sniffling into his neck.

"You're such a crybaby," Hoseok laughs as he pats my hair.

"Shut up..." I mumble quietly, muffled by his skin against my lips. He chuckles.

"My poor baby..." he sighs, cradling me. "I made you suffer quite a bit. Maybe I shouldn't have teased you so much."

I put my hands on his chest, pushing him away from me. Hoseok doesn't let go, won't let go, and raises his brows at me, expectantly.

"I can't believe you!" I exclaim. "You knew and you still- you kept-!"

He narrows his eyes. "I what?"

"Kept touching me..." I whisper and he chuckles. His hands move down my back, stopping just above my ass, and he presses me back against him.

"But it was so fun to watch you all flustered and- ow!"

I punched his shoulder.

"That's so... mean. Hyung, you're so mean..." I pout as I keep punching. I feel angry yet that feeling doesn't last long when he looks at me lovingly like that. My punches are weak.

"I'm sorry," Hoseok laughs, catching my fists and wrapping his hands around them. "But you don't actually hate that, do you?" And with that I unclench my fists.

I can't say that I do. Because I don't. I don't hate it at all.

Hoseok takes my hands and pulls me with him, walking backwards towards the bed where he sits down. I let him guide me onto his lap and my face starts to feel hot again when I find myself straddling him, his hands on my lower back. I hold onto his shoulders as we stare into each other's eyes.

We've been this close before but everything feels different now. It's like I finally opened my eyes and I'm seeing for the first time. I can finally see his intentions.

"You're blushing again," Hoseok smiles and I look down, embarrassed that I'm the only one with cheeks in probably the darkest shade of pink. How can he stay so unbothered and calm, I really wonder. But as I make myself comfortable on his lap, something underneath me tells me that I might be wrong. I shift again and-


"You're..." I mumble. There's that dark glint in his eyes again and I finally understand what it means. Lust. Hoseok wants, and he wants the same thing as me.

"I know," he says, his voice low and kind of breathless, his gaze wandering from my eyes to my lips and down my exposed chest to my stomach.

I squirm on top of him, inevitably rubbing over the bulge in his pants, and Hoseok groans, his hands moving quickly to my hips to hold me still, firmly. Something about the expression on his face turns almost predatory, like he's hungry and I'm his prey. I shudder as the situation I'm in starts to slowly sink in.

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