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It's been one year since Blair appeared in the kingdom of Liones, and everything has been great. Elizabeth and her sisters have come to an agreement, and they decided they would share her. Blair was now 13, Elizabeth was 14, Veronica and Griamore were 15, Gilthunder and Howser are 17, and Margaret is 18. Elizabeth and Blair were going on their first date today, they were going to the docks together. Blair was wearing a white square cut dress that went down to her mid thigh. She had her hair in a low bun with strands of hair coming out from the sides, and had on brown sandals. She walked to the throne room to greet Elizabeth and her father.

As Blair walked into the throne room, a bright smile appeared on her face. Margaret and Veronica were also there. Elizabeth was wearing a blue dress similar to the one she was wearing and black flats. The two smiled at each other and held hands. Just as Bartra was about to speak, the door is busted down by holy knights. Elizabeth shrieks and grabs Blair's arm. "Run!" Bartra tells the two. Elizabeth and Blair ran to the servant's door, but Blair stopped in her tracks. "No! Margaret! Veronica!" She screams, reaching out for them. Elizabeth pulls her arm and they run through the hallway, until they are stopped by a suit of armor Gilthunder stands in front of them, no emotion on his face.

"Gil, please," Blair begs. "Don't do this." He sighs and closes his eyes. He steps to the side and lets them run through. They run outside and see knights everywhere. They head towards the forest, but a knight grabs Elizabeth, and Blair trips over a tree root and she falls head first. Her body tumbles down the hill, her hands and face getting scratched. She screams in agony as she feels her leg get pierced by a sharp tree branch. She pulls it out, whimpering slightly. Tears fell down her face, and it started to rain. She stands up and runs towards a cave, and crawls in.

That was the last time she ever saw Elizabeth Liones and her soulmates.


Blair shivered as it continued to rain outside. Her short-sleeved dress was ripped, and soaking wet. She glanced down at her leg and watched blood slowly spill out. She holds herself with her arms, trying to warm her body up. She shivered and felt her eyes getting droopy. She woke up the next day feeling horrible. Her body felt drained, and her face was crusted with tears, dirt, and blood. She looks out of the cave and sees that it has stopped raining. She stands up and walks outside. The trees had raindrops on it, and the air was moist. And the ground was slightly muddy.

She walks through the forest, completely lost. She had walked for a while, until she found a bush of blackberries. She knew they were blackberries because she and Elizabeth went blackberry picking once. Blair picked some and kept them in her pockets. Her dress was slightly wet, but not soaking. After a couple of hours, she sat down on a log. She ate some more of the berries and felt her throat go dry. She needed water. She stood back up and started to walk around some more, hoping to find a lake or something. She climbed over rocks and spotted a beautiful, clear lake.

She hopped down the rocks and ran towards the water. She takes the dress off and jumps in. Blair drinks some of the water and sighs, then she washes the blood off of her leg and gets out of the water. She sits on a rock and checks her leg out. There was a hole in her leg, but it wasn't bleeding too much. After wrapping her leg, she went to the lake and attempted to catch a fish with her bare hands. After a while, she caught a fish. She learned how to start a fire from Gilthunder, and how to cook a fish from Margaret. She ate her food and drank some more water. While sleeping, she remembered something Elizabeth told her, something about the Seven Deadly Sins.


Two years had passed, and Blair was now 15 years old. The teenager had learned how to survive alone. She was wearing the same white dress, but she had fixed it so there were no more rips. She walked alone, breathing in the morning air. She had a content look on her face, but she was also sad. Today was the day she lost Elizabeth and her other soulmates. She wiped her tears and jogged along the path. Her hair was now cut to her shoulders. It was still the same shiny black color, but shorter. She had also made a sack out of leather, it carried a flask with water in it, and some berries that were wrapped in leaves. She slowed down a bit as she came across a tavern.

She stared at it curiously but decided not to go in. She climbed a tree that was hidden from the tavern's view, but she could still see the tavern. She roped herself to the tree, so she wouldn't fall. She drank a sip of water and watched inside the tavern, and ate a couple berries. She watched as a short blonde boy stepped out of the tavern, with a pig by his side. She watched him stretch out his arms, and place them behind his head. She felt the same feeling she had around her other soulmates when she looked at him. She watched him carefully. He sighed and walked back into the tavern. She undid the rope and jumped down, putting the rope over her shoulder and walked back into the forest.

She found a cave and placed her stuff down, leaving her stuff there and she started to explore the cave. As she went farther into the cave, it started to get really bright. She put her hand over her face and walked through the light. Her eyes lit up as she came across a beautiful waterfall and a small bay of water. The water was clear, and there were rocks that she would sit on. She went back and got her stuff, then set her bag down. She laid down and placed her hands underneath her head. She focused her attention on the waterfall and felt her eyes get droopy, closing her eyes and falling asleep.

Meliodas walked into the cave that he saw the black-haired girl walk into. Hawk was chattering about scraps or something, but he had his attention focused somewhere else. His eyes came across the girl he was looking for. He bent down and brushed her hair out of her face, and picked her up.

His eyes widened as he realized who she was.


Blair's eyes opened to the feeling of someone touching her. She looked up to see the blonde boy she saw before. She glared at the shit-eating grin on his face as he groped her chest. She slapped his hand away and sat up all the way. She stepped on the floor to try and make a run for it, but he caught her before she could. "Let go!" She yelled, hitting his arm as he held her. He threw her onto the bed and pinned her arms down, so she couldn't move anywhere. "Hey hey, calm down." He said soothingly. She stopped struggling, and let him pin her down. "I'm Meliodas, what's your name." He asked, his green eyes staring into her stormy gray ones.

"Blair." She said. He smiled at her. His hand came down to her hair and started to brush it, a look in his eyes she's only ever seen once before. Blair didn't want to leave his warmth, but thoughts of Elizabeth and the other started to plague her mind. She pushed him off and rolled off the bed. "Hey!" He yells, as she opens the window and jumps out onto the roof, grabbing her bag while she did so. She jumped off of the roof and did a somersault, she tried to run but was stopped by a pink pig. She stared at it, and it stared back, she hears the tavern door open. Blair and the pig circle each other, before Blair throws a stone at it and runs towards the forest. She could hear them running after her.

She ran past the cave and felt the path start to narrow. Her heartbeat was racing and she pushed the trees away. She slid as she stopped at the edge of the cliff. She felt Meliodas's presence getting closer to her. She felt him wrap his arms around her, but instead of fighting, she let him pick her up. She had finally accepted his warmth, and leaned her head on his chest and felt herself start to fall asleep. "You can sleep." She hears him whisper. She nods and falls asleep. She felt him place her down on the bed and put a blanket over her. She felt him lay down next to her. He softly pet her hair, and she fell asleep.

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