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~The following short story series is based off the Mafia Tik Tok trend. Majority of mafia characters were brought into existence by their creators therefore all credit goes to them. Special thanks to those who gave me permission to incorporate your characters into the stories, I hope to do your characters justice~

El Dorado. In the past, it was known as the mythical city of gold, where adventurers and explorers alike sought its riches. Now, the closest representative to the legend is found in the city of Chicago— as a high-end casino.

The VIP floor itself held a level of luxury that showed where the real fortune of the casino came from. From politicians to CEOs of big-name companies, the majority accumulated here in the balcony lounge overlooking the large gambling hall below, chatting by the gold, glass bar with signature drinks or merely making new connections at the high stakes tables. Those who didn't enjoy the noise of community in the lounge preferred the large, secured and secluded rooms for private games or business deals. It was guaranteed that whatever happened in these rooms, legal or otherwise, stayed in these rooms.

In a private area further hidden in the back of the VIP floor, the boss of the Black Royales lounged in a leather chair, resting a crystal glass of whiskey in his hand against the armrest. He watched disinterestedly at the mess before him.

"P-Please," spat the trash from the floor, "I didn't know-"

One of the nearest soldiers grabbed the beaten man by his hair to hold him steady while another swung a metal rod to his face. When the soldier released his hold, the man collapsed further to the ground, sputtering blood and spasming.

The boss adjusted the various intricate rings around his fingers, immune to the pleading words and sounds of the broken soul before him. "The Senator is a very important contact of mine. He and his wife were to be treated with the best service and security. So when his wife's belongings got stolen under my roof, it made me look incapable...unreliable."

His tone remained calm and casual, a chilling contrast to where the conversation would lead. "I ordered you to find the culprit and bring him to me. Instead, you let him escape then lied to me. Now, I have to not only clean up the mess of what the thief left behind but the mess you're leaving on my floor."

"But the purse...was returned." As the man on the ground strained to meet the eyes of the Boss through blood and swelling eyes.

He was ignored. With a wave of his hand, the soldiers continued. The Boss in the chair reached for his drink but paused when one of his security details approached him, leaning down close to his ear.

"Sir, we have a problem," stated the head of security. "We have guests with suspiciously high winning streaks."

"How many?"

"Just two, sir. One a frequent flyer, the other a woman," he answered and watched as a slow smile crossed the Boss's face. "What would you have me do?"

He stood, leaving his drink on the chair in exchange for his jacket, allowing it to rest across his shoulders, "Bring the frequent flyer here to have the men handle him. I'll deal with the woman."

The downtown casino attracted persons of every social status who seek the thrill of potential lifetime prosperity. Even with the possibility of significant loss, the casino itself offers a taste of the high life. It welcomes guests with elaborate waterfalls on either side of a grand, gold staircase at the entrance, pouring in from the high ceilings above and cascading over painted gold and glass boulders. Enormous statues of Aztec warriors stand as columns along either side of the wide hall leading to the gambling room, representing power. Every detail of gold brick, every oversized crystal chandelier, even the quality of the utensils from glassware to plates, was meant to transport the gambling patron into a whole other world.

The Files of Alice DentonWhere stories live. Discover now