Chapter 1

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Momo - Oh dear, Mr. Aizawa it seems today a house has been exploded!!

Aizawa - Again... Ugh- I don't get paid enough for this shit, i'll let someone else handle that..

Momo - Alright then sir.

Izu💭: Damn.. That's the 6th house this week!! I mean- at least it's gotten better...

Baku💭: Ah shit- What happened this time.

Suddenly Bakugou's phone rings and he looks at it to see a message in the gc

💚Family Chat💚

Mitsuki - Uh boys there's a problem... again.

Baku - No shit, we can see outside our windows old hag.

Izu - Kacchan! Don't call your mother a hag!! Sorry bout him Mama!

Mitsuki - It's fine dear, sometimes i wish you were my child instead of this brat!

Baku - Tch. Whatever

Inko - Anyway, Where's the new house gonna be

Izu - **** on Rich Street

Mitsuki - When are you guys gonna find the next Backup house?

Baku - We have 20 Backup houses ready.

Inko - That's smart!

Izu - Thanks Mom!

Inko - No problem honey!

Masaru - I'd hate to interupt but these two are supposed to be in class, we'll see you boys later fr now be in class

Izu - **For

Also okay dad! We'll see you soon!!

Baku - Yea, yea see you later.

Mitsuki - Bye brat

Inko - See you soon!!

Izuku and Bakugou get off there phones and start paying attention to class again. Everything was going great, for a while...

About 2 hours later when they get back from lunch, they have about 4 classes left until school is over and they are in History with Aizawa at the moment.

Aizawa is doing a lesson on the history of thanksgiving, so there's a bit of fooling around , but besides that everything is fine. Then Bakugou gets a text.

Messages With Mitsuki

Mitsuki - THEY'RE MISSING!!!!!!!

Baku - What are you talking about??

Mitsuki - THE KIDS!!!


Bakugou's face went slightly white as he looked down at his phone repeatedly reading the message.

Aizawa - Bakugou, please pay attention.

Baku - yea, yea whatever.

Aizawa - ...Okay then. So Th-

Bakugou looks back at his phone to reply

Baku - WHAT!!!!!! HOW!!?!?


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