Chapter 4

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Ura - How do you have more than one quirk?

Everyone stops talking and looks over to Izuku's direction.

Inko - You didn't tell them?

Izu - Mom you do remember what happened last time I told others besides the family about my quirk right??

Inko - Yes, but i'm sure these children are different.

Baku - mama, we understand where your coming from but, we thought that three times already..

Mitsuki - They're right Inko..

Inko - I know, I just want you guys to not have to worry about little things like this!!

Baku - Mama we fully understand!

Izu - Yea.. Just didn't think it would be this soon..

Kami - I-i'm sorry Izu..

Izu - Suki why are you apologizing?

Kami - It's my fault they found out! You used your quirk to curse ME out to help ME!!

Izu - Oh- Pff, don't cry because of that!! An don't make this mood depressing! Cheer the hell up!

everyone smiles and laughs a bit.

Izu - Thank you, also it's about time I tell them now.

Baku - True, I guess the last times we got those reactions because we didn't say something right away

Izu - We also had the worst luck when finding friends

Baku -True, true

Momo - I hate to be a bother but can you please explain??

Kiri - Too many secrets-

Mina - MY brAiN!

Izu - Be quiet you two!! Also you're not a bother Yaomomo-san

Momo - okay good

Izu - We cool? cool. Everyone get some snacks and drinks and sit down for this story, it's not very long but i'm sure there'll be another one right after it so be prepared!

They took a 10 minute limit to get snacks ready and get comfortable. Sato is baking sweets, Momo made them some decorative party bowls and plates, Kiri, Shoji, Koda and Itsuki/Kami went to the store and bought some cups, chips, and soda, and Shoto made some ice for cups and a punch bowl.

Izu - This is a bit overboard but whatever- Okay so, all of you know my quirk as 'Super Strength' but that's not really true. My actual quirk is called 'All For One' it was passed onto me from my father.

Ojiro - Wait- as in-

Izu - Yes, the villain All For One. Is my father.

Iida - T-that was not expected

Todo - My missing brother turned out to be the villain Dabi

Baku - and Toga is my twin sister.

Momo - W-wow um-

Kiri - That was not something anyone would expect-

Sero - Aight cool, we got our answer!

Ura - Sero's right!

Iida - Yes, our family shouldn't determine what we are

Momo - I second what Iida-kun says. Our family has nothing to do with the path we've chosen

Mina - That's good!

Izu - Okay- wow-

Baku - This is why this is my favorite group of extras

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