Im Here For You

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I'm here for you.

god that sentence is thrown around a lot,

by parents, friends,

relatives, teachers, loved ones.

but where were they when I was really upset.

they were telling me

"it's fine"

"you will get over it eventually",

"just ignore the rumors."

I wish it was that simple

but it's not.

every time those words are spoken

in my mind its them saying we don't care,

or we don't want to listen to your problems.

I wrote multiple suicide notes

but none of them fit,

to the pain I was truly feeling.

even in the notes I still lied,

so instead if dying I caused pain to myself,

mentally and physically.

as I pushed people away,

I pushed a knife into my skin.

I watched the blood drip

I watched people stop trying.

I had a dream one night

it was me

I was dead

the ghost of me

staring at the corpse

then I woke up

and I knew I needed to make a change

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