Chapter 2

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(Y/n)'s POV

Leon opened the door and the three of us went in this room running, but we slow down because we were in a room that could be a area that is the security camera room, me and Leon looked at the tv screens to look around the campus of this place, but that's when we see two people were having a sign that says, 'Help!' On the there.  The two people were looking at the camera and started screaming for help to see if anyone was watching the cameras to see if other people will rescue them.  Helena was behind us watching this as well, but the three of us noticed something walking behind the two survivors.

Leon looked closely at the screen to see more zombies were behind the two survivors, they were getting close to the survivors and once they started to get the two survivors and try to attack them, but Leon got out his gun and the gun was making noise, "Let's go." Leon said to us.  Me and Helena knew it was too late to save them, "Leon, it's too late!" Me and Helena said to Leon.  Leon turned around to see us, "Leon, we can't save them, we'll been too late to save them now." I said to my husband.  Leon looked at me before he could say anything, Helena was talking to him, "She's right Leon there's nothing we can do." Helena said to Leon.  Leon looked back at the screens to see the two survivors were dead now because they were getting eating alive by zombies.

Leon was looking away from the screens, I noticed that Leon was looking upset at this before I moved my hand towards to my husband hand and I used my other hand to move his face to make him look at me.  Leon was probably still thinking about Raccoon City of how our life's change forever every since that day happened to us, I know how Leon feels to because we been through a lot of hell in there, I used to live in Raccoon City before zombies come here and ruined everything that this town used to be before the outbreak.  Leon looked at me before he grabbed my hand that was touching the side of his face of where I put my hand on there.

Leon was smiling at me before his face change to a serious face before looking back at Helena, "You're both right. Let's get the hell outta here." Leon said to us.  Leon opened the door for the three of us, we were to keep walking upstairs to get us probably away from this area.  The three of us started walking upstairs, before I looked at Helena to see her have a some kind of worry face on, "Helena you alright?" I asked Helena.  Helena looked at me before she me, "Yeah, I am fine just not used to this kind of stuff." Helena said to me.  I looked at her before telling her, "It's alright Helena, it's not easy to get used to this stuff but don't worry we got your back Helena." I said to Helena.

Helena looked at me before she gave me a small smile before telling me, "Thanks (Y/n)." Helena said to me.  I looked at her before giving her a smile as well, before we started walking upstairs to see that we were in a different room but it's like a big hallway like the space is wide, so we started walking, but Leon started talking to us, "He said it was some sort of fog. If this thing spread in gas form...Then anyone who breathed it in got infected." Leon said to us. Me and Helena looked at Leon before we started to finish his sentence, "That would mean...everyone on campus." Me and Helena said to Leon. Leon was looking at us, while we were still walking, "Yeah. But then why's it so quiet?" Leon asked about this. I looked at Leon before telling him, "Not sure Leon, but we should be careful around here." I said to Leon.

Leon looked at me before he gave me a thumbs up before telling me and Helena, "I've got a bad feeling about this." Leon said to us. Helena looked at Leon but before she could say anything, I started talking to Leon, "You're not the only one, something bad is going to happened, I just have a feeling and also it's a woman thing as well." I said to Leon. Leon looked at me before giving me a smirk at the last sentence that I said to him. Helena just chuckled at this because of what I said to my husband.

Leon just smiled at this because I was trying to lighten up the mood for all of us, I was looking around this hallway and I see two doors, so I opened them, so we could go to this room that it's those college rooms.

Resident evil 6 Leon S Kennedy x reader (book 6)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن