Red pt. 2

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Wilbur waited for his friend to finish, gesturing to the other to stand and follow him, which he did.

"So," Wilbur began as the hybrid handed him his ruined shirt, "basically, we just make it look natural."

"'Natural'?" Techno questioned. "How do we make that," -he pointed at the cow, now seeing that they were walking towards it- "look natural?"

"So here's whut I got." The brunette then pulled out a lead and a fence post. He placed the post near the tree trunk and tied the lead around it, laying the other end near the corpse. "I'll take the blame-"

"No, Wilbur, I can't let you do that-"

"Too late." Techno sighed at the other's words but wasn't in the mood for arguing. "I'll say I took Henry as a prank to Tommy and was just going to hide him for a little while, then bring him back. When I came back to bring him back, he was dead."

"But how? You know he's gonna want info."

Wilbur didn't reply. He was looking over the pinkette's shoulder, seeing an animal in the woods behind him. He took some bones out of his inventory, slowly walking around Techno. The warrior watches the other as he slowly approaches a wolf that had appeared, it's head tilting in curiosity.

"A wolf?" Techno asked as Wilbur slowly began luring the wolf to the cow's corpse by whistling softly, patting his leg and shaking the bone in front of it's face.

"Yes," Wilbur whispered, trying not to scare off the animal. As he got closer to the tree, the wolf then began to sniff the air. It then saw the bovine on the other side of the tree and rushed over to it, beginning to eat the meat near the shoulder blades.

As the longer haired boy watched, he understood what the other was trying to do. He asked for some bones from the brunette and walked a little ways away, finding two more wolves in the distance. He brought them over to the cow and they began eating the corpse as well, one going to the meaty bit under the neck where the big slash was and the other went for one of the legs.

"So now what?" Techno asked after the wolves continued to devour the corpse. "Let 'em eat it till it's bones?"

"No, that would take too long," Wilbur replied. Then his eyes went wide as he remembered something. "Oh shit. . . ."


"I-I forgot to mention . . . Tommy found out."

The warrior's eyes went wide as well. "Found out. . .? Wh . . . What do you mean he 'found out'!?"

"He noticed Henry's gone. He commanded everyone look for him until we find him."

Techno cocked his head in shock. "Why didn't you say anything earlier!?"

"I forgot, okay!"

"How do you forget that!?"

Wilbur had an answer to that but he wasn't sure the other would like to hear it.

"It doesn't matter now." He waved off his friend's worry and walked closer to him. "Now, do you want to do it?"

Techno threw up his eyebrows. "What are you talking about?"

"Killing the wolves."

He thought for a second and realized what Wilbur was trying to do. He reached into his inventory and pulled out his Netherite sword, handing it to the other. "You do it. I'm not sure . . . I don't know if I-"

Wilbur cut off his stumbling. "I understand." He took the sword and killed the wolf eating at the legs, making the other wolves growl and bark at him but he swiftly killed them too.

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