Chapter III Kotogomo Army Massacre

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Nightfall, at the old temple, Kotogomo assembled his men.

Kotogomo: " It is time to seize the Kage Power in the Hidden Stone then use to attack and destroy the Hidden Leaf Village and proclaimed the true flames of judgement!!!"

Kotogomo's men were shouted in their support of Kotogomo in plotted to staged a coup d'etat against the Hidden Stone Village.

Outside of the old temple, Miyuki and her team were already prepared their attacks. They're already at the nearby bush.

Miyuki Yamanaka: " We're all here."

Ayana Uchiha: " When we are gonna start the assault?"

Miyuki Yamanaka: " In the right moment."

Furen Uchiha: " There are guards everywhere."

Shoma Aburame: " We need to deal with the guards first before we could launched a full-scale assault on Kotogomo and his men."

Mayuna Nii: " I have to agree. These guards are easy prey for us. Meow."

Mugen deadpanned.

Mugen Sarutobi: " Well then. We make sure our plan is very successfully."

Miyuki Yamanaka: " We will succeeded. Lord 3rd said that our faction are very helpful to strengthening our military forces of the Leaf. So we should stay focus."

Furen and Ayana were sweatdropped.

Furen Uchiha: " This is a part of ANBU mission."

Ayana Uchiha: " I guess I have no other choice."

Miyuki Yamanaka: " Let's start our hunting."

Miyuki and her team wear their ANBU Mask as they were closing in for their silent kill.

Three guards are heading to the bushes. Suddenly, Furen and Ayana ambushed the three guards and killed them.

Furen Uchiha: " Our first kill."

Ayana Uchiha: " We will surround the old temple."

Meanwhile, Mayuna and Shoma ambushed four guards and killed them. Later, Miyuki and her team have managed to cleared all of the guards. They killed all 32 guards who were subordinates of Kotogomo.

Mayuna Nii: " All cleared."

Miyuki Yamanaka: " We must surround the old temple and set an ambush on Kotogomo and his men."

Furen Uchiha: " When will we start an  ambush?"

Miyuki Yamanaka: " Just wait for my signal."

Meanwhile, back at the old temple...

Kotogomo: " Remember, our focus is to overthrow the Third Tsuchikage before we proceed the plan of attacking the Hidden Leaf Village and kill the son of the Fourth Hokage. That was our mission."

Miyuki and her team already hearded Kotogomo's words.

Furen Uchiha: " They plotted to kill the Fourth Hokage's son."

Miyuki Yamanaka: " That's it! We'll going to stop them right now."

Later, the electric lights are black out.

Kotogomo: " What the hell?!!!"

Suddenly Miyuki and her squad have managed to massacred all of Kotogomo's men as Kotogomo tries to ran away but ended up being stabbed by Miyuki with her katana and killed him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2020 ⏰

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