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I was stuck pondering on my theory about myself. It was inner enlightenment that I was struggling for, but I couldn't seem to find the path to get me through the process. Lucas had been on my mind for the last few days, but I couldn't bring myself to go back to the woods. I was too embarrassed of myself. I tripped in front of him, causing this massive bruise to be on my forehead, I basically ran away from him, and now I had never returned to talk to him after two days. There was no point in going back by now.

If there was no point though, then he wouldn't go back either. I decided that that was a good enough reason for me to rejoin with the life within the woods. I felt alone with nothing around. I pulled on my jacket and silently walked out the door. It was four in the afternoon and my mom wouldn't be back till five. I had already fixed dinner and placed it in the fridge. I left a note telling her to heat it up before she ate it if she bothered. I wasn't planning to be back till late.

I had gone back to school yesterday. No one had seemed to notice that I was gone, no one seemed to notice that I was back. I had no clue what we had learned, but I decided that it didn't matter. My feet lightly tapped against the sidewalk, no one bothering to move out my way so I had to go around them.

Inside the woods was fresh and green. Plants greeted me as I walked by. I walked to the same place as usual, no one insight. I sat down on the same log as the other day. The bird were as lively as usual, the waved lazily showing that they were in no rush. I reached out and brushed my hands on top of the log, feeling its texture.

"Hey, where have you been?" I turned around to see Lucas and tried to do my best to not looked panicked.

"At home and school." He sat down beside me and I scooted to the edge of the log.

"Oh, I thought you were just avoiding me." He said rolling his eyes.

"Why would you say that?" I asked, avoiding eye contact. I started to chew my lips and fidget with my shirt's hem.

"Oh I don't know, you're not looking me in the eyes, your fidgeting, and you're practically hanging off the log. I don't bite you know." I blushed feeling more than a little embarrassed of myself. I forced myself to scoot a little further away from the edge of the log and sat my hands in my lap.

"Sorry." He dismissed it like it was nothing.

"So, you have any dark secrets that I need to know?" He noticed my surprised look and the sudden distance I was trying to put between us. My personal life was my own. "I was just kidding. We can just talk about the weather and stuff."

So it started with him commenting on how blue the sky was here compared to his home. He pointed at a few plants and told me their names, asked me for my middle name (which I thought was odd). The whole time I wasn't paying attention much until I felt his fingers lightly brush mine. I stiffened up and scooted mine away slightly, hoping he didn't notice that I had done it on purpose. He didn't but his fingers brushed mine again. I refused to make it into something big.

All my thoughts were centered on our fingers touching, he kept talking, I kept trying to keep myself from running away. His fingers moved closer to mine and lifted them up. He held my fingers in his and I looked at our hands in shock.

"Um..." Was all I could get out. I stared at our hands in panic.

"You won't die Ion. I'm just holding your hand." I could feel my hands get sweaty though, but I was practically a pushover. I couldn't bring myself to pull my fingers free in fear that I might loose this person that was talking to me.


A tiny interruption~ I decided to do this back and forth between their POVs so yeah~ Just wanted you to know. I wanted to do it at first but I didn't think it was a good idea. Since jnel2012 also had this opinion I will start doing this now. Thank you and enjoy the rest.


POV: Lucas

My fingers were wrapped around Ion's small, fragile ones. He was practically trembling, his hands sweaty and warm. I squeezed them gently and looked up into his emerald green eyes shadowed and avoiding my gaze.

"You won't die Ion. I'm just holding your hand." He shook his head slightly and looked forward, avoiding my face. I held in a sigh.

Ion was beautiful and seemed to fit in with the forest. His hair was wild and earthly brown, rich like the soil that nurtured the plants around us. His skin had a healthy glow to it, tan like he had been around the sunlight his entire life. His eyes were strikingly green, like the dark green of Evergreens during the longest snowfall. I stroked his fingers with my thumb, he tensed up slightly. I decided that I was going to get him use to the movement.

I scooted closer to him, he scooted away. It was obvious that he liked me, but he had to figure that out himself. His face brightened at the sight of mine like mine did at the sight of him. I felt him hesitate, but he held my hand back, fingers still trembling, though not as sweaty. I smiled to myself at my small victory.

Ion glanced over at me for the tiniest fraction of a second, but I noticed it. I pulled him closer to me, forcing him to move closer, closing the empty space in between us. He tried to move back, but I rested my hand on his cheek, his face turned to mine. His eyes widened in panic. I kissed his forehead and pulled back. His eyes filled with tears. What did I do wrong?


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I decided that Lucas's POVs were going to be short because Ion view matters most (you will see why~). Like many do on here (at least I think so) I will dedicate to the first one to comment.

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