back to the way it was

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Violetta's P.O.V.

Im so scared of what is Pablo gonna say

P-you two will have to...


P-live together in the same room sorry bur we had to mix things up cuz we had no other choice sorry



P-go to your room btw violetta your stuff is already there

V-oh no this isnt gonna be good

L-oh yes it is

We went to"our" room and it was full of boxes with my things in it

V-im gonna unpack

L-im gonna help you

V-haha help from you

L-shut up babe

V-dont call me babe

L-cant do


We started unpacking my things he tryed his tricks on me like holding my waist and trying to kiss me and trying to pin my to the wall so wevare very close but i always got out of it then we started to unpack my clothing boxes he found my bra it was a pink one

L-ooooo sexy

V-youre so annoying and a idiot too if you didnt know and a bit crazy no really crazy lets just say in one word ypure stupid

I said while snatched my bra away from him

L-harsh but the thing is im crazy about you!!!

V-look jerk lets make some rules around here ok???

L-ok what are the rules babe

V-1st dont call me babe or any of those names got it???

L-yes sir

V-2nddont try any of your player trick on me got it???

L-oh like this

He said while took my waist and pulled me on his lap as i quickly got up from his lap

V-yes like that 3rd dont touch my stuff and 4th dont go on my side of the room

L-your side???

V-yes the side where my bed is no better lets do this

I took a crayon and drew a line in the middle of the room


L-hey why do you get the side with the bathroom on it

V-cuz im a girl


The rest of the day Leon went somewhere i dont know where but i dont care and i was writing in my diary

Today was terrible Leon lost his memory and doesnt remember me it is now back to the way it was and he keeps annoying me with his player tricks such a jerk snd pablo made us now live in the same room ughhh this is so stupid and the jerk is now somewhere i dobt know orobobly smooching with one of the girls ughhh i cant belive that before he lost his memory i ever started to develop feelings for him how could that happen we i got to go xoxo Vilu♥

Then the jerk came backin tthe room

L-ooooo i see you keep a diary that would be interesting to read

V-remember rule 3 DONT TOUCH MY STUFF

L-stupid rules

Hope you liked this chapter^^

♥i changed because of you♥Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat