Flashback 2 | Chapter 2

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Artemis- 11
Crusher- 51
Oliver- 28
years ago


June 4, 7:25 EDT

"BITCH!!" Sportsmaster aka Crusher aka Artemis' dad yelled slapping his daughter in the face. "Your sister was always better than you at this stuff." He said angrily. 

"Then why don't you go find her!" 11 year old Artemis said with courage she never had when she was 9. They were standing on a rooftop in Gotham, at around 5:35, waiting for a package to arrive, when Batman and Robin appeared, knocking them both out cold. 

They had just woken and not even ten seconds later, Sportsmaster started yelling placing the blame on his daughter saying that she was supposed to keep an eye out for any attacks. But in her defense Sportsmaster had called her over to hand over a special pair of binoculars. They were now back at Sportsmasters hideout, waiting for Sportsy's boss for more orders. 

"Maybe, I will!" Sportsmaster said. "Out!" He said pointing to the door. 

"Get out of hideout. Pack up your bags. And leave this family, right now! You don't have the guts or the skills to be a shadow." Artemis just snorted in response. 

"Your kicking me out of the house?" She asked in disbelief. 


"Fine!!" Artemis said, walking towards the door. After slamming the door, Artemis walked 'home' with a scowl on her face. She walked into the mansion, that she called 'home'. Packing every single one of her belongings. Starting with the posters on the walls, Artemis pull out the thumbtacks of her sister's post of Alice in Wonderland, folding it as small as she could. Doing the same with her ninja poster, she put then in a suitcase along with all of Artemis's belongings that weren't clothes. She put the jewelry box her mother had hidden in her bed room, it was supposed to be a gift for her 10th birthday but after she passed, Artemis found it hidden inside her mother's closet after her father told her to clean it up. She had found it hidden in between a couple pairs of her mother's jean's. 

She carefully set it down inside the suitcase- there were very few pieces of jewelry in there - and continued packing her stuff. She put her favorite pillow, her pictures, Zephyr's camera, some purses and a couple of other stuff inside of the suitcase before closing it up. Artemis opened a duffel bag, putting her favorite tops and bottoms in the duffel along with her mother and sister's favorite outfits, in there as well. After packing her toiletries, underwear's, bras and clothing in her duffel. 

Artemis grabbed another duffel, putting in her bow and arrows. Her father had taught her how to shoot. She could shoot up to 3 arrows that could hit a bullseye -if she had missed then she would get a beating- after putting her bow and arrow in the duffel. Artemis grabbed her favorite purse, inside she stuffed her phone charger, her phone, her headphones, 600 dollars she had taken from Crusher and a small pocket knife. After she was done she looked around the bare room. 

'Feels weird being here, without my stuff.' Artemis thought, she checked her watch looking to see that it was only 9:17, Artemis quickly grabbed her stuff, putting it down out the window and climbing out just like her sister had 2 years ago. After walking into a coffee shop for breakfast she quickly ordered a croissant and a cup of water, she sat down at a table, pulled out her phone, she called a family friend, Oliver Queen.

(A for Artemis, O for Oliver)

A: hey Ollie!

O: hey kiddo, wassup?

A: the sky Artemis joked.

O: ha ha very funny... but really, what's up? I haven't heard from you in so long.

A: my dad kick me out of the house after I messed up on a mission.

O: oh... I'm so sorry Arty. He said sympathetically.

A: it's okay... so I was wondering if.... I don't know... if I could come over to stay with you for a bit? She asked quickly, crossing her fingers hoping he would say yes.

O: hmmmmmm I don't know.... he said. Artemis' fingers uncrossed.

A: oh okay... but she got as far as there before Ollie interrupted her.

O: I'm just kidding Arty. Of course you can stay!

A: great! I'm gonna take the first plane to Star City. I'll see you there! Thanks Ollie!

O: no problem 'Mis, see you soon.

Artemis hung up the phone, she quickly ate her breakfast and bought herself some food and water since it was going to take her all day to get to Star City. After buying her groceries Artemis put the water bottle she had bought and her 2 sandwiches into her purse and set off to the airport.

Time skipppppp 1 hour

Artemis sat down at her seat on the plane, she plugged her headphones into her phone, checking the time- it was 10:38- and quickly fell asleep. Artemis woke up 3 hours before the plane landed. She checked her phone to see that it was 2 am Gotham time. She had no idea what time it was in Star City. She made a mental note to ask Ollie once she saw him. Artemis's stomach growled for food, she quickly took out her 2 sandwiches and quickly devoured them. She took a swig of water and turned on the small TV in front of her. She saw that there was news on so she quickly turned it on, just in time to see Iris West-Allen give a news report.

This is Iris West-Allen reporting live at scene, Kid Flash saved 2 baby twins from burning to death from a fire, while Flash saved the mother, Veronica Craz, after she passed out from inhaling too much smoke. Paramedics, firemen and the two flashes were quick to arrive at the scene. The two flashes pulled the 3 people out of the house before it came tumbling down. Paramedics say that the twins don't have any major injuries expect for a couple of scratches and bruises while Veronica Craz has a broken arm and her inhaling too much smoke. We wish you a speedy recovery Veronica!! This is Iris West-Allen saying that this situation is under control.

Artemis quickly paused the TV when it landed on Kid Flash's face. She would admit this to anyone but she may have the tiniest crush on Kid Flash... and by tiniest she means she has the biggest crush ever on him. 

She didn't know what got her to fall head over heels for him. Maybe it was the way he saved people without having them ask him for help, or maybe because he didn't do the praise, like her father had taught her, he just did it because he enjoyed saving people. 

Artemis didn't know, maybe it was both. All she knew was that she liked Kid Flash, even if she won't admit it, she knew that deep down, buried in dirt locked up in a chest, she had a crush on KF. She soon fell asleep again with a smile on her face as she dreamt about Kid Flash.

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