★ Canon Portrayals ★

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An overview and explanation of canon Kirby things, and how they're interpreted and portrayed in the Kirby roleplay.


The universe in this roleplay takes elements from both the Kirby games and the anime. The setting is more in line with the anime, seeing as Cappy Town exists. But places, mechanics, characters, events, and other things from both universes coexist here.



Roleplayer: Aura_Blaze

Kirby can either be a sweet, caring puffball or your worst pie-induced nightmare. Sometimes he likes to help people, other times he likes to tie them to a tree and throw pie at them. It depends, really. He also likes to pull pranks, especially messy ones.

He can speak, but he inserts lots of "poyo" type sounds in his sentences. He's even apparently made up an entire language based on poyos.

Other pastimes of his include sleeping in trees, chasing Waddle Dees around, stealing food from the kitchen in Dedede's castle, and taking care of his pet spider Ider-Spay.


Meta Knight
Role player: Doroken

In short (haha, short) he has a height complex, is very sure of himself, knows a lot about very broad and obscure topics, spends more time reading books than doing anything else, and has an irrational fear of big chungus.

He doesn't like to talk about his past. The most he's admitted is that he had a mentor/friend/possible lover who was killed. He probably lost a lot of his friends and family, too. As a result, he's afraid of becoming attached to people.

He seems strange and mysterious to those who don't know him. Those who do know him will usually say that he's too serious or boring. He doesn't warm up to people easily, and prefers to lead a life of celibacy. For years he tried to look at Kirby as nothing more than someone he needed to train, but eventually he became like a son to him. Sometimes he can be a bit overprotective of Kirby. Maybe too overprotective. Seriously Meta calm down.

He is also more on the introverted side, and is content with sitting and reading a book. He has too many books. Someone help him.

There's a few things he seems to be insecure about, however. The pile of tall stools in his closet attests to his height complex and his need to be above everyone. Sometimes he feels the need to strongly defend and justify his actions. He can oftentimes be hypocritical, defensive, and downright rude when questioned or accused.

His eye color changes depending on his current mood. Yellow, the most common, is neutral. Red, the second most common, is angry. Blue is contentment or happiness. Pink is amusement. Green is deep thought or seriousness. Orange is confusion. Gray is sad. White is shock/fear. Magenta is affection, and pale pink is embarrassment. Or, at least, this is the information I had in my notes so I just work off of that. Someone please correct me nicely if this is wrong.

But one thing has always been constant: his strange infatuation with high places. Besides reading, his favorite pastime seems to be standing in high places and looking down creepily at people. You probably shouldn't make eye contact; just pretend you don't see him and keep walking.

Oh, and he's not a puffball, so don't even suggest that or bring it up!


King Dedede
Roleplayer: MissUnpopularOpinion

He's the (self-proclaimed) great king of Dream Land. He has an ego to match such a title, but his heart is just as big (even though he doesn't always show it. He's not very openly-affectionate). You need his permission to be mean to his friends (and/or his Waddle Dees). If you hurt his friends without his permission, he will be willing to break your arms (however, he WILL give you a warning... by threatening you). While he's goofy when he's in a good mood, he's pretty sarcastic otherwise. In those situations, he can be surprisingly decent-ish at comforting his friends... except he still doesn't show much love. He also refuses to acknowledge ever ordering a monster to clobber that there Kirby. Bring it up and he'll activate his Smash Bros. voice on you (he does that when he wants to be threatening). 

He's not too keen on people calling him "Tsundedede," but it's basically true. He views Kirby as his rival, and yet still groups him as one of his friends. He often calls Kirby "pipsqueak," "kid," "brat," and other similar things. Also, despite claiming to be his "best friend," he still calls Meta Knight a chump relatively often, and yet he still trusts Meta with important things (even after the "Revenge of Meta Knight" incident)... and yet he still orders Meta around with the rest of his underlings. He truly does care for their well-beings, however, especially Meta Knight's. (and yes, the Buddy Fighters Tournament was Dedede's idea. He dragged Meta into it).

He doesn't actually understand how kings work... or many things, for that matter. This is why Meta Knight is listed as his freaking heir in his will (he made a literal chart about the order things go: Meta Knight gets the kingdom when he dies. If they're both dead, it goes to Bandana Waddle Dee. If Bandee's dead too, Adeleine gets it [whether or not she'll still be called "king" is up for debate]. If Adeleine's dead, Kirby gets it. Nothing comes after because Dedede believes Kirby is immortal, and yet still has him as the last person he'd trust with the role of Dream Land's ruler. Dedede does not care what any of the others think about his will. If they don't want to be royalty, too bad, they might just end up being royalty). He also likes to ban whatever he feels like banning, such as Shrek 3 (because reasons) and Bee Movie (because he's scared of bees).

If you say "no homo," he'll respond by letting you have his Big Gay Dance™ with the trademark symbol and everything.

Dedede is the kind of guy who'd stub his foot and then yell to the wall that he blocked it with his forcefield. The end.


Galacta Knight
Roleplayer: TheFlash832

Formerly one of the popular kids in high school, he now struggles to hold a job. He probably bullied Meta in high school just to maintain his "cool kid" status, even though the two of them are still good frenemies. But he's also really insecure about himself and can get extremely defensive over the most trivial things. Like his refrigerator full of Costco chicken salad.


Roleplayer: NightOfShadows

He is always planning something. Do not trust the Halcandran. He's nice to everyone else (maybe a bit too nice), but is determined to annoy and torment Meta forever.


Roleplayer: Vental2020

Spinni is a girl. She ain't afraid of no ghosts, either!

...Definitely not...nope...haha.


For the roleplayers: if there's any info you'd like me to change/add/remove about your character just let me know. I just wrote what I've picked up on in roleplays (or from info/discussion on Discord, for some of you).


Other Things That Are Canon

-Big Chungus.

-Creeper Minecraft Creeper Crunch cereal (and the video of Ranboo reviewing it).

-HowToBasic; his videos are played on a cooking station on the TV.

-King Dedede outlawing Shrek 3. The other Shrek movies are fine. But not the third one.

-King Dedede's Big Gay Dance™, trademarked and everything.

-Cell phones (examples: Meta Knight dropping his brand new iPhone that he made Dedede buy for him, Galacta Knight texting Meta's ex, Axe Knight texting while flying the Halberd, etc.)

-other trivial things I will add later.

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