Chapter 2

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The dark, twilit woodlands around them seemed to be closing in as they inched farther and farther between the tight-knitted trees. Twigs snapped, bushes shook, animals hopped, and the long caravan of Weasleys. . .and Harry, and Bri, and most recently Hermione. . .were panting and lugging heavy bags with droopy eyelids and angry sighs, all of them huffing and dragging their feet along the path of pine needles.

"Right this way, children," Arthur led, a big smile on his face.

The rest of them couldn't say they were that happy. It was humid and dense out here in the forest, which made it unusually hard to breathe. An occasional breeze did soothe their sweaty faces but hardly made it easier to smell that horribly horrible stench. Their legs were tired, and their backs were hunched with the weight of their packs, they're bodies were sore, and their minds were filled with curses they did not dare speak aloud.

"How much farther?" Ron complained, swatting at a mosquito chewing on his skin. He made a face as he looked down at the smashed and decapitated body lying in his palm.

Hermione, who had recently joined them just before the journey, sighed and pulled her pack higher on her neck.

"You're always such a complainer," said Hermione crossly, "-why can't you just be patient like the rest of us?"

Ron scoffed and sent another hand flying to his cheek, swiftly smacking at another forest bug, "I would be patient, Hermione, if I wasn't carrying this huge bag through these woods. It's hot and sunny--and I'm sweaty and tired," he squeaked.

"Correction," said Ginny, "-we're ALL sweaty and tired."

Harry and Bri agreed with a tired smile. The sky ahead was nearly blocked completely, which didn't make the sunshine as bright. They were glad about that.

"Ah, I know the journey is rather tedious!" Arthur shouted back, "-but once you see where we're heading, you'll hardly remember a thing."

Ron rolled his eyes and swung his head over to Ginny to whisper, "Oh ya, I'll hardly remember a thing."

She cackled underneath her breath, making him return with a sly grin.

"Ah. . .here-" Arthur whispered, stopping shyly by a big, round tree. He stared at it for a moment, patting its trunk happily.

The children all furrowed their brows and stared at the tree in disbelief.

"You have to be kidding!" Ginny laughed sarcastically, "-we traveled all this way to see a stupid tree?"

Ron gulped so deeply his adam's apple bobbed in his throat. His eyes open wide, and his mouth hanging open, he huffed.

"Why am I not surprised?" he whispered. Although it was more for himself to hear, the rest of the group heard and answered with sighs.

Arthur smiled and patted the tree lovingly, "I'll have you all know that this is not our final destination," he informed. All of their eyes lit up with happiness, "-but I will be meeting with an old friend from school. I expect you all to be polite."

While he was glaring over them all sternly, his eyes somehow drifted directly over to Fred and George. The two broke with laughter after giving a quick glance to one another.

"Who. . .us?" Fred finally said.

"We're always polite," George added, grinning.

Arthur gave a short smile before turning at the sound of twigs snapping. Although, it wasn't very uncommon in a forest like this.

"Ah! Amos!" Arthur smiled, holding his arms out as a greeting, "-it's good to see you, old friend."

Amos Diggory, a man with an abundance of hair and thin glasses, gave a small, crackled grin as he approached the group. A taller boy followed behind him, one with unruly brown locks and sharp features.

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