December dares (2)

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Rumour: okay it's my turn to take out a dare. But before I do that there's another thing we've got to answer
Werner: zhere is?
Rumour: yes. it's from someone called MugmanFan2648 and it says.......
Werner: vhat? Vhat does it zay?
Rumour: *gets annoyed face* there daring you to kiss them
Werner: hold up VHAT!?
Rumour: I know I know but there's also a question so we will answer that then will see what we're doing with dare
Werner: zhat vorks
Rumour: now the question is what our favourite subjects were when we were in school
Werner: k you first I gotta think
Rumour: oh okay. So I think my favourite subject in school was my high school history class it used to art but then it became my least favourite
Werner: mind me asking vhy?
Rumour: well you see there was this boy who's two older then me in class and he tried to hit on me in and after class
Werner: zo far don't like vhere shis is going
Rumour: anyway I found how he talked to me simply disgusting he enjoyed complementing my rear end. And I wasn't the only one he also did this to Cala and four other girls
Werner: eww did he get in trouble
Rumour: yes was given many detentions and groundings from his mother. I hope if he's still out there that he hasn't been making other girls uncomfortable
Werner: vell now everyone has learned a little more about your life vhen you vhere younger
Rumour: yeah I guess so. Now it's your turn
Werner: okay don't know if zhis as a subject but mein favourite time in school vas PE because for a reason I'm not zure about vhen I vas a kid I liked she feeling of sweat on mein fur
Rumour: that's very weird
Werner: it is but I don't like she feeling anymore
Rumour: oh okay. anyway what are we gonna do with the dare that girl gave you
Werner: oh I have an idea
Rumour: *glares at him* if you kiss her I swear
Werner: nian nian i vill hug her
Rumour: okay I'm alright with that
Werner: okay *hugs MugmanFan2648* zhere ve go. now you have to take out your dare
Rumour: *takes out a dare from the dare bowl and opens it* stand on one leg for ten minutes. This one is kinda weird
Werner: I've got a timer
Rumour: okay here we go *stands on one leg*
Werner: *sets timer for ten minutes*

*9 minutes*

Rumour: *getting tried* I knew shouldn't have worn heels
Werner: you're doing just eins more minute
Rumour: *begins to lose her balance* whoa whoa
Timer: *goes off*
Werner: you did it
Rumour: *sits Down on couch and takes off shoes leaving her feet in just a pair of white socks* thank god *takes a drink from her coffee*
Werner: vell done
Rumour: I'm gonna sit here for a while okay

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