December dares (4)

12 2 1

Werner: go on take out your dare dollface
Rumour: okay here I go *takes out a dare from the dare bowl* so apparently I have chunk down a glass of milk
Werner: und are you gonna zhat or do I have to fill up zhe bucket
Rumour: actually I will be doing this dare
Werner: you vill?
Rumour: I will after all I have some experience from my school years
Werner: oh is zhat vhy you vhite stuff on your face zhat eins time I saw you at school
Rumour: precisely. Now I gotta get some milk *goes to the kitchen*
Werner: can I time to zee how fast you can drink it?
Rumour: *talking from the kitchen* if you want to
Werner: okay *gets out timer*
Rumour: *comes back into the room with a glass of milk* okay I've got the milk *sits down on couch* ready to start the timer
Werner: ready. Und go *starts timer*
Rumour: *drinks the milk at a speed that rivals sonic*
Werner: *surprised pikachu face*
Rumour: *finishes the glass and has a milk moustache*
Werner: *stops timer* 5 seconds? Incredible
Rumour: what can I say practice makes perfect

Ask rumour and Werner Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang