Broken Glass

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Ow! What was that?! Oh. Just another shard of glass. Why is there so much glass everywhere? Do these humans not see the bins in front of them? Ugh. These humans are annoying. Hey, look! A bench with popcorn on it! Score! I elegantly leap up to the bench and eat. Not like anyone else will. Humans just sweep it off with their hands. Weird. Lately, there have been fewer humans coming out, and the ones that do come out, wear things on their faces and avoid each other. more need to come out and get food for me!

Wait, that's a bird! Wait, not just any bird... That's my arch enemy, Denim! I hate him! He always steals my food! Oh no, he wants my popcorn? Not on my watch! I use my psychic powers, and he slams face-first into a tree. Victory!

My twin, Cricket, comes up to the bench to eat some popcorn too.

"Hey, Nima!" He says.

"Hi, Cricket... Watcha got there?" I ask, looking at the thing behind his back.

"A dead rat." He says calmly.

"A dead rat? Why did you bring it here?!" I asked frantically.

"Why not?" He replies. Dude, really?!

Why not? You'll attract other cats!!" I say, looking around. "Oh. Good reason." He replies. "Maybe we should leave?" 

"Ya think?" I replied, but before I could scold him, the other cats were already here.

Nima The Psychic CatWhere stories live. Discover now