~•° A return °•~ |ep7|

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After Bryan met everyone, he went home-

Ofcorse Inpu went with him, since he really missed him and wanted to make sure that Bryan gets home safely.

On there way home- Bryan was feeling-
Wierd, in a unexplainable way.
Like- something or someone was with them, and watching them, waiting for the perfect moment.

But he just brushed it off as a feeling.

Inpu noticed that Bryan was uneasy, so he asked him:

Inpu - Bryan? Dear, are you alright?

Bryan - huh? O-oh! Yes! Ofcorse!

Inpu - Are you sure? You look worried.

Bryan - Oh! I'm just thinking about some things! Heh....-

*Bryan laughs awardly*

Inpu knew that Bryan was lying, but he didnt want to push Bryan to tell him, since Bryan just got back, and he didn't want him to feel even more uncomfortable. So he let it slide.

Inpu - *sigh* Okay dear, whatever you say.

Bryan gives Inpu a little smile, and Inpu smiles back.

Then, Inpu's senses go off, witch mean something bad is coming. It makes him start to worry a little bit. Becose once his senses activated, Bryan died. That got him werry, werry, worried.

He dicited to keep a close look on Bryan and Bryan's surroundings, since he didn't want Bryan to die again.

{~ time skip brought to you by my bestie that won't stop shouting out my account and sorys all the time ThefamousfilmsFandom please go follow her}

- Once they got to Bryan's home -

Bryan looked around his surroundings, beeing amazed how well Inpu must have kept the garden alive. He could remember all of the amazing moments with everyone- the beach party, the proposal, him and Inpu training, his first kiss with Inpu.
He loved every moment that he had here, and he hoped not to lose everyone again.

When they entered the house, Bryan noticed that nothing has really changed.

Bryan - Wow- nothing has changed, that's quite amazing.

Inpu - Well, when you died, i really missed you, and i wanted to keep the good memories, so i kept it the way it was.

Bryan - Awwwww, that's really sweet babe! And adorable!

*Flustered Inpu laughs*

Since it was about to be night time, they went to bed, to rest.

When Bryan went to sleep, he had a nightmare, or should I say- a warning.

~ Bryan's POV ~

- the dream -

I woke up in a dark void, it was all black, or to be more exact, a very, very dark purple.

Just after a moment i noticed the light purple, black chains around my legs, and arms.

When I looked back up, everything flashed purple, it went back to black after a moment.

But instead of it all just beeing black, there was someone- someone blurry standing in front of me.

After a bit the person went clear, and it was the,.....
Sudactive Rose.

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