Chapter 3: A new home

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     Serene's POV: I was being relocated... again. This was the fifth time a group had rejected me and it was getting kinda old. I sighed as I felt my pod coming to a stop. The hatch slid open to reveal a guard and someone wearing a brown suit. I smile wryly. "Hello beautiful, leaving so soon?" I ask, sarcastically. To my surprise, they actually chuckled.

     "Sorry, but I'm taken." They said jokingly. "On a more serious note, my friends and girlfriend are in there, so you better treat them well ok?"

     I bit back a scoff. Here we go again. "Sure, yeah, whatever." I say, getting out of the pod.

     "Also, take care of yourself, ok?" They said, causing me blink in surprise.

     "Ok?" I respond as they take my spot. They smiled at me as the hatch closed and the pod flew away, leaving me in stunned silence.

     The guard snapped his fingers in my face. "I don't have all day." He said impatiently.

     "Yeah, yeah, yeah." I said begrudgingly and walked over to the entrance.

     I stepped through the door and all nine other people were waiting for me. "Wow, isn't this quite the welcome crew." I said with an amused smile. I almost dropped it when I saw most of them fighting off tears. Someone in a pink suit cleared their voice.

     "Um, yeah, its kinda our thing, I guess? Any way, welcome aboard white. Would you like us to show you around?" They asked, voice wavering a bit.

     "Nah, just show me to my room, I'll figure it out myself after that." I say, feeling a bit uncomfortable with how weepy everyone was. This brown person must have been something else.

     Pink took a deep breath, then smiled. "Come with me then." She said motioning for everyone else to disperse.

     As we walked to my room she pointed out things like the cafeteria and the launch pad, basically giving me a mini tour.

     "Sooo..." I said after a bit of silence. "How'd a cutie like you get stuck in a place like this?" I ask with a wink.

     "You tell me first." She said, unfazed by my amazing flirting skills.

     "I was part of a group of pirates, I made a mistake with the wrong group of people and here I am." I said, putting my arms behind my head.

     She looked at me, surprised. "I wasn't expecting you to answer." She said.

     "Why'd you ask then?" I replied, confused.

     "Well, I was hoping you'd get uncomfortable and make excuses so I could point out that it was an uncomfortable question so I didn't have to answer." She said with a huff.

     "You could have just said so. I would have backed off ya know." I said with a shrug. "But I guess it's fair since you don't know me yet."

     "Yeah, well, here's your room. Your sleep suit and anything else you need should be there, holler if there's anything missing." She said.

     "Thank you beautiful." I said, giving her another wink.

     She rolled her eyes. "Yeah sure whatever, enjoy your stay, if that's possible." She said, walking back the group, or some of it at least, a few of them had gone back to their rooms, presumably to cry in peace.

     I sigh and flop down on the bed after changing suits. It had been a long ride in the pod with little sleep. I was exhausted. This was a weird group, usually everyone barely tolerated each other, if even that. These people seemed like a tight-knit family. I got little more chance to think before I was asleep.

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